Although there is nothing like breast milk, sometimes it is not possible. In those cases, artificial feeding is a great alternative.
The correct nutrition of babies helps to promote their normal development, both physical and mental. Hence, it the important of choosing well the method with which to feed the little ones. A formula is an effective option with multiple benefits, in cases where mother’s milk is not sufficient or can’t be performed.
Although experts consider breast milk to be the best nutritional option for babies, exclusive breastfeeding is sometimes not possible. Many times, due to maternal or child diseases, or simply because the woman so decides, it is necessary to opt for artificial breastfeeding. Fortunately, the baby formula is a great alternative for these women. However, some mothers feel insecure when having to artificially feed their babies, because no matter how hard manufacturers try to make the formulas look like breast milk, they are not the same, since it contains elements that are impossible to incorporate into formulas, such as living cells, digestive enzymes, immunoglobulins, and other compounds that act as defenses against infection. However,
Imitated, but not equaled
When the baby is not nourished by the mother’s breast, cow’s milk is initially the most logical alternative. In contrast, infant formulas are made from industrially modified cow’s milk adapted to the digestive possibilities of the child. In its preparation, the structure of proteins is altered so that they are assimilated by the newborn’s body, milk fatty acids are replaced by vegetable fat and it is enriched with lactose.
In addition, manufacturers add to their brands’ elements that nourish the basic formula to bring it closer and closer to the composition of breast milk. This is the case of nucleotides (which favor the increase in defenses and intestinal maturation) and amino acids, which are very important in the first stage of life; or like carnitine and taurine, components necessary to metabolize fatty acids and for brain development, respectively.
Advantages of formula milk.
More participatory breastfeeding. The feedings do not have to be exclusively through the breasts. So, the mother does not have to be present to feed the baby.
Greater comfort and freedom of the mother. Feeding the baby with artificial milk avoids the physical discomfort that some women feel when breastfeeding. Also, the mother does not need to adapt her diet during breastfeeding, since the nutrients she acquires are not transmitted to her baby.
Which formula to choose for your baby
Children develop rapidly during their first year of life, so they need the necessary nutrients to grow healthy and strong. Therefore, you must pay close attention to feeding the baby, especially from 6 months of age, at which time you can introduce complementary infant formula milk.
Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for the baby, but if it is not possible to feed it naturally, you can bet on formula milk that will provide essential nutrients for the growth of the little one. Among these nutrients should be:
1. Minerals: Calcium will help strengthen your bones and teeth, iron will promote cognitive development and the strengthening of the immune system, and zinc, which is essential for growth.
2. Vitamins: Vitamins are essential and help the absorption of minerals such as iron and calcium. In addition, they also strengthen the immune system and bone structure, especially from vitamins A, B, C, and D.
USE Some tips for optimal use
If you are feeding your baby formula, follow these tips:
- Wash your hands well with bubbly water before preparing the bottle.
- Never give an infant formula that has passed its expiration date or has a dented, bulging, or abnormal-appearing container.
- Never use tap water to dilute powder or concentrated liquid. Use water boiled for at least two minutes and then cooled, or bottled water.
- Follow the product manufacturer’s instructions for storage, handling, preservation, and directions for use.
Your pharmacist can help you choose the formula that best suits your little one. He can also answer your questions on the optimal use of such a product and infant feeding. When it comes to the health of young and old, you can count on him!
In short, when selecting a type of formula milk for your baby, you should look at the characteristics of your baby. Go to the pediatrician, and there they can examine your son or daughter and see their needs.
Above all, the most important thing is that you check that the milk you buy is the most nutritionally like breast milk. Today, numerous brands must meet minimum requirements to be advertised as baby formula. When choosing one, go to a trusted brand and make sure that they provide protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in their formula; in addition to having anti-infective, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
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