6 Professionals You’ll Need to Enlist for Help As Your Parents Age

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Adult children have to look out for their parents. They have to trust that time spent caring is worth the effort. There are some realities about senior living that make hiring professionals a must. Whether there’s concern over financial planning or senior health care, working with the right professionals can make life comfortable for your family. Here are six professionals you should enlist for help.

A Financial Advisor

The family should do some research by looking for the best financial advisors for senior citizens. Adult children should know that, by the time their parents are in their 80s, they may have assets and real estate property they can’t take care of anymore. Investment accounts, additional savings accounts, and other financial resources require observation. And then there’s the possibility that your parents may have multiple accounts and a risk for credit errors. Studies show that 79% of all credit reports contain errors. So, you need a financial advisor to keep your parent’s finances in control.

A Doctor

A primary care physician (PCP) will explain health risks and write referrals to specialists. A doctor must be compassionate and knowledgeable, and all medical issues should be handled with care. Facing the facts is important; family members shouldn’t ignore their parents’ aging bodies and perhaps a need for more medical attention. Adults of older parents should understand that knowing a good doctor is a great thing because they can provide helpful advice.

A Caregiver

Daily living, housing, and family dynamics are a few areas your parents may need help. There’s also the fact that aging can lead to fragility and sudden disability. Vehicle accidents, falls, and minor injuries can lead to debilitating health problems. The solution may be an in-house caregiver, which of course means background checks and decision-making.

Adult children may notice that their older parents can be stubborn. Older parents may resist working with a caregiver even when advised it’s in their best interests. So, family should be assertive when discussing caregivers but be sure to hear their parents’ concerns as well.

A Real Estate Agent

On average, selling a home can take up to 65 days. There’s a lot of work that goes into buying, selling, and managing properties. Real estate agents schedule open houses, book meetings, and create budgets. Real estate agents can save the family both time and frustration when it comes to selling a property your elderly parents can’t take care of anymore or want to sell.

A Lawyer

Your parents have their future on their minds. However, the truth is that only 37% of American seniors have put together an advanced directive in case of an emergency. It’s nice to know an attorney can help with insurance problems, billing errors, or malpractice issues. This sad statistic is compounded by the fact that old age comes with worries.

Fortunately, an attorney can help if your parents are stressed over litigation, if they’ve suffered an injury due to negligence, or if there are delays in receiving disability benefits.

Personal injuries add pressure. That’s why entitlements are critical for senior living. General lawyers can provide legal representation on behalf of your senior parents. Most adult children would be pleased to know they have an attorney who can help with a wide range of legal problems.

A Therapist

Grief and regret and physical pain. Crushing loneliness and days of boredom. These burdens place a lot of stress on your parents. Working with a therapist can help alleviate the strain these burdens have on your parents. During sessions, your parents can openly discuss whatever’s on their minds. During that time, therapists and psychiatrists add experience and understanding to sessions.

Adult children who may also be a caregiver to their aging parents, such as yourself, may need to talk to a therapist as well. Being a caregiver can be frustrating, sad, stressful, and even lonely sometimes. It’s a good idea to talk to a professional and to take time for yourself.

Your parent’s care is a priority. This means there will be times when you need the expertise to handle uncertainty. One day your family will discuss the next steps. Why not make sure the family has the right professionals to help?

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