Home Interior 101: Best Lighting Tips When Working from Home

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When setting up a work office at home or working from home, most people prioritize essentials such as desk, drawer, and chair. Often, they miss out on the key element – perfect lighting. The amount of time we spend at the work desk can cause headaches, eyestrain, lower mood, and energy. Ultimately it affects productivity at work. Thus, it makes sense to set up optimal lighting when working from home. 

By the end of this article, you will know the most important tips to consider when setting up lighting when working from home.

  1. Utilize the power of natural daylighting.

Do not underestimate the power and benefits of natural light from your windows, open doors, or any other source. Sunlight produces warm lighting that can make you feel more energetic and uplift your productivity. It also provides you with the best source of Vitamin D and ensures good health and well-being. Besides this, you must also consider the direction of the natural lighting as it can create shadows and glares during certain times affecting your work. You can install fly screens on your windows or doors to let the natural light and fresh air flow in with ease.

  1. Install desk lights.

If you do not find a perfect source of natural lighting, consider its alternative as desk lights. For a sedentary lifestyle that involves working with filing work and computers, you must install a well-focused light source. You can set up an adjustable desk lamp to increase your focus, elevate your energy and mood. It will help you emphasize quality and character. Also, it will help you boost your overall productivity while working from home. 

  1. Incorporate decorative lighting.

Decorative lighting helps you add character to your space and improves the aesthetics of your work from home space. You can achieve this by adding decorative pendant lights or a studio lamp above or near your desk. Or consider installing wall-mounted wall sconces or anchored bracket lights for highlighting the key areas of your home office. Also, you can consider installing fly screens on your windows and doors to inject a sense of style and add an element of decor to your work from home space.

  1.  Installing track lighting

It is not a compulsion to install desk lighting or a table lamp on your desk for ease of work. You can even consider installing track lights on the ceiling or mount them on the walls of your work from home space. They are effortlessly flexible and adjustable to highlight to illuminate diverse areas or workstations of your home office.

  1. Incorporate task lighting.

Installing a focused illumination at your home office will increase your productivity at each workstation. You can install task lighting that supports various office tasks such as computer work, reading, focused writing, or paperwork. For instance, if you have multiple workstations, such as one for phone area, computer, and filing, consider installing task lighting for each station. Moreover, if your desk is not spacious enough, opt for floor lighting such as floor lamps.

  1. Reduce glare and shadow lighting

Whenever you consider the best lighting, never forget to eliminate the shadow and glares. You can consider the window location, the light setup, and the flow of lighting. If the natural light or any light source is set behind you, it is obvious that it will create a shadow on your screen. For instance, if your workplace is against the wall and in the direction of windows, you can incorporate window fly screens to block direct sunlight that obstructs the shadows or glares from falling on your monitor.

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