5 Tips to Grab an Extension Cord for Electrical Safety

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Extension cords have become common in homes, offices, and construction sites, given the sheer convenience and functionality they offer. While they play a pivotal role in almost every household, people often take them for granted. If not used with caution and care, extension cords can pose significant risks, ranging from overheating to causing electrical fire hazards. It may even cause immense damage to property and pose a threat to your life.  

Are you wondering how you can prevent electrical shocks, fires, and property damage from extension cords? Dive right in to learn tips to use an extension cord while keeping yourself and your home safe.

Tips to ensure electrical safety when using extension cords:

Power cords, popularly known as extension cords, provide safe and extended high voltage power to your electrical devices to run them. They help you use your gadgets and electronics even when the power outlet is located far away. But, these cords can become faulty and cause hazards. If you’re planning to use extension cords, here are five tips to promote safety while using them:

1.       Find a suitable cord

The most important way of promoting electrical safety when using extension cords is to ensure you use the right one. There are multiple cords available today, but you must find the one that suits your needs. Depending on your usage pattern, you can use one from the three distinct categories

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