Dealing with an Unruly Pup: Signs Your Dog Needs Obedience Training

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Your pup is your best friend. It is always there for you when you need it. But sometimes, even the most well-behaved dogs may develop certain behavioral issues. At such times, obedience classes can help in handling and overcoming these issues. Wallys World of Dogs: Long Island Dog Training has put together signs you can watch out for to determine whether your dog needs obedience training.

Food Aggression

Food aggression is a type of resource guarding and is common in most dogs. By active aggression, they prevent other animals from taking their food. If the dog was in the wild, this kind of behavior could become useful. However, in a domestic situation, food aggression is misplaced and rises from insecurity. If left unchecked, it can lead to biting, nipping, and even serious injuries in rare cases. You must speak to a professional trainer about obedience training if you notice food aggression behaviors in your dog.

Behavioral Issues Because Of A Traumatic Past

Most dogs that are rescued come from different backgrounds. Sometimes, they may have experienced severe trauma, which can lead to multiple behavioral issues. The stress that these issues may have caused can make it challenging for the dog to settle and adjust to the new home. However, it is possible to work around these issues and resolve them with time. Obedience training can be very helpful in dealing with behavioral issues that arise from trauma.

Doesn’t Understand Basic Commands

Once your furry friend reaches about six months, you can start training basic commands. You will need to have immense patience as training can take time. It is important to stick to a training routine for it to be successful. While most pups will pick up basic commands in some time, some pups may struggle with them. If your pup cannot understand simple commands like stay, sit, lie down, and heel, then it may be good to speak to a professional trainer. You can enroll your pup in group obedience classes if it is distracted. Group obedience classes put your pups in situations where there are several distractions, but at the same time, give them the tools and skills required to focus on commands. 

Severe Separation Anxiety

Have you noticed your pup whine, bark, or become destructive if left alone, even for a brief amount of time? Your pup may be behaving this way due to separation anxiety. Certain dogs, who are sensitive, may even urinate, defecate, or chew on doors, pillows, footwear, and other things lying in the house. The cause for separation anxiety may differ in different dogs. It could be due to loneliness or even claustrophobia. Your dog may lack confidence and the ability to relax when left alone. Obedience classes can improve your dog’s confidence and reduce separation anxiety symptoms.

Barking Too Much

It can be extremely frustrating if your dog barks too much. Your dog could be trying to tell you something urgently. But your idea of urgency could be different from that of your dog. Anxiety may also cause excessive barking in certain dogs. While some people may use shock collars and muzzling to control the excessive barking, they are just temporary fixes. You should enroll your dog in regular obedience classes if you want to control its excessive barking. These classes will teach your dog to stay calm and respond to calm, quiet, or even stop commands. The classes will also reduce potential triggers, thereby reducing your dog’s anxiety. 

Is Not Friendly Towards People

Have you noticed a change in your dog’s behavior when it is around people? Is it friendly, or does it get aggressive? Not every dog is well-mannered. While some pups are naturally good companions, some others need to be trained. It is important to train your dog with people manners to prevent any aggression or untoward incident. Obedience training will help you identify signs of aggression in your dog’s body language. You will be able to catch signs of stress, anxiety, distraction, or exhaustion and control the situation before your dog becomes aggressive around strangers. Your dog will also get trained to be friendly with people who interact with it and are kind to it. 

A little assistance and help can go a long way to deal with poor behavior and general anxiety in your dog. Speak to professional trainers about obedience training if you notice any of the above signs of behavioral issues in your dog.

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