Tips on How to Bring Your Worn-Out Clothes Back to Life

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Chucking clothes away is often heart-wrenchingly difficult, especially if it’s a beloved cocktail dress or a cozy sweater.

This is the sad fate of many a favorite worn-out garment, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.

If you want to save money, resurrect your worn-out wardrobe editions and try your hand at a little DIY, here are some top tips that you might find useful.

Wear it Differently

Wear it Differently

Starting with perhaps the most straightforward, you may be able to save your old clothes by simply wearing them differently.

In many cases, the magic of an outfit is truly in the way that it’s styled; just check out this amazing article on How to wear one sweater eight different ways for a prime example!

In fashion, confidence is key, so don’t be afraid to push the boat out and try something completely new.

The Power of Tie-Dye

Tie-Dye tees are by no means solely confined to the 1960s and annoying teenagers; in fact, employing a little subtlety when tie-dyeing can look incredibly chic and elegant.

Plus, it revives a dilapidated white or grey shirt in no time at all (around 12 hours, actually), so if you wanted to brighten up your wardrobe with an explosion of color, it’s definitely worth thinking about.

Jeans Can be Reborn as Shorts

If your ruined old jeans are looking a little too threadbare and have fallen into the unwearable territory, the timeless act of turning them into shorts is still reliable.

In theory, you need nothing more than a pair of scissors for this, but to get an authentic look, it is worth sewing a cuff into them.

Perhaps the straggly bits of the thread better suit the rough and ready look anyway

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