Talk About It Tuesday: Denied Diploma?

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Last week on the news I heard a story about a student from Mt. Healthy who is having his diploma held. Want to know why? Because his family and friends cheered too loudly at his graduation! How ridiculous is that?! To get his diploma released, he has to do 20 hours of community service. This is so wrong. He was called to come up and receive his diploma (although I know that what you receive up on stage nowadays isn’t your real diploma) and his family and friends were up in the bleachers and they cheered for him. He cannot control their actions!

This is just absolutely despicable in my opinion. You make it through 13 years of school all to have to go through community service because of others actions to even get your diploma. After you pass your classes and do what you need to do, you shouldn’t have your diploma held like that. If his family and friends were making that much noise, they should have had them arrested. Oh wait, that’s right, a mother in South Carolina did get arrested because she cheered too loudly at her daughter’s graduation.

What is this world coming to? Next you know they’re going to stop having graduations or they’ll be held via camera or something and nobody will be in the same room. Who knows. This story just kind of ticked me a little bit.

I would love to get your take on this story. Am I the only one that thinks this way or is others in agreement? Let me know!

Sharing is caring!


  1. I heard about this on The Talk the other day and it’s ridiculous. I would shove that diploma up the principals ass 😉

  2. I completely agree that this is bogus. He is not responsible for the actions of his family. Of course my family would probably do the same thing so…maybe I’m seeing myself in the situation. ha!

  3. Are you from Cincy? I used to live 30 secs away from Mt. Healthy in Fairfield. Anyhow, yes, I think it is ridiculous. What happened to the fun carefree ceremonies of the past? Where a practical joke was guaranteed to happen? I don’t understand the solemn nature of the occasion. It’s for the kids and their parents. And my kid struggled through school and barely graduation, you are darn right that I’ll be cheering 🙂

  4. I think it’s ridiculous. It was something his family did, not him. Although I have to say, who cares that his family and friends cheered him loudly? Is getting a diploma not a big accomplishment anymore? Absolutely ridiculous.

  5. we were just talking about this last week. I agree it’s ridiculous, but I think it’s symptomatic of a much larger problem, a lack of civility. If everybody is cheering like a dang fool for everybody, then I guess it’s less of an issue. Frankly, I think there are more important issues (as a society) that we need to focus on, but that’s my $.02.
    Just a little karmablogger love….
    Peace and good.

  6. Our son graduated this weekend as well in a class of 509 students. His school administration advised us before the ceremony (many times and many ways) that screaming, applause and noisemakers would not be allowed due to the size of the class and the length of the ceremony. At graduation, the principal reiterated that no one should make noise during the ceremony out of respect for all graduates whose families want to hear their names. Still — some hooted and hollered and ignored the administration. So sad!

    I wonder if the Mt. Healthy school district disclosed the policy beforehand. If so, shame on the parents/friends/family who chose to disregard the policy and put the child in that situation to begin with. Is it fair to “punish” the child? Probably not “fair.” BUT IF THE POLICY WAS DISCLOSED, well, that family needs our prayers — selfishness isn’t a good thing!

  7. Wow, that is ridiculous. I would check the school policy and if it’s not against the rules, I would sue. Yeah. I would.

  8. Really? Sounds like they are trying to make a point to future graduates. It is a time to cheer, scream and enjoy!

  9. The whole point of a graduation is to celebrate the accomplishments of the students. Everyone one is going to be cheering and being excited. I doubt anyone is going to go to a graduation and just sit there quietly. Pretty ridiculous.

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