How To Shop Smart

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If your grocery budget is rising through the roof, then you need to develop some techniques to help you shop smart. Read on for some tips and tricks.

Make a List

Make a list every time you go grocery shopping, and stick to it. Plan meals and snacks for the week ahead of your shopping trip, and write down everything you’ll need. Then refuse to purchase extras no matter how good they look to you. This will require plenty of self-control, but you can do it if you make a firm commitment.

Watch for Sales

Keep an eye on your store’s grocery weekly ads Iowa for sales, and see if you can plan your menus accordingly. Be on the lookout, especially for sales on more expensive items like meats. If chicken breasts are discounted, purchase a couple of packs, one to use right away and another to freeze for later. If hamburger is on sale, make a couple of casseroles during the week, and then freeze a pound or two. Watch for sales on staples, too, and stock up when they come. You might be surprised by how much money you can save by simply paying attention to ads and sales.

Clip Coupons

Don’t hesitate to clip coupons either. Set aside some time each week to look for coupons online for products you buy. There are quite a few websites that offer up to 99% discount like Bountii. Some also provide printable coupons. Ads from your favorite stores are another good source as are manufacturers’ websites. Keep your coupons organized in a wallet designed to hold them, and then remember to use them. You might also consider adjusting your meal plans and purchases based on the coupons you have in a given week.

Get Into a Routine

Finally, to shop smart, get into a routine. Set a particular day of the week (or a couple if necessary) as your shopping day. Grab lunch or a snack before you go to the store so that you aren’t hungry and prone to purchase items that look delicious but aren’t on your list. Plan your meals for the next few days on the day before you shop, regularly check ads and coupons, and keep a running list of items you need or are almost out of. On shopping day, follow a regular pattern through the store with your list, coupons and ads in front of you. Shop alone if family members tend to beg for treats, and get into the habit of exercising self-discipline.

With a little time and effort, you can learn how to shop smart and save money.

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