Choosing A Dog Trainer In Murfreesboro To Assess Parent Training Mistakes

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Training a dog might seem relatively straightforward. A reward is offered for a proper response, while there is no reward for an incorrect response. 

The thing is that a pup’s brain is not as straightforward in thinking as the human mind. Visit to learn how to set realistic goals for your dog.

People make “human errors,” which result in undoing what has been learned or encouraging undesirable behaviors, ultimately confusing the canine. Dogs are intelligent and pay close attention to what’s happening in their surroundings. 

The pup aims to do what they believe their pet parent wants from them, but if they don’t know how issues develop. It’s impossible to be perfectly intentional every step of the way each day. 

Still, a keen dog training company like Sit Means Sit can help point out common mistakes to make you more aware in the home environment. Companies like these will assess your behavior to prevent puppy confusion, allowing an environment conducive to the puppy pleasing his beloved parents.

Confusing Training Habits Pet Parents Are Unaware Of

Many people believe pet training to be somewhat straightforward, but dogs don’t have the same mindset as humans. While highly intelligent, when faced with confusion, the canine can be easily bewildered to the point of unlearning what’s been taught, even falling into poor behavior.

With professional dog training efforts, the professional can recognize where the pet parent is making mistakes when working with their pup in the home environment. Trainers teach pet parents alongside the canine to ensure long-term successful results in the household.

Here are some confusing training habits many pet parents are unaware of, creating an issue in the home.

Repeatedly calling the pup

Sometimes, you might need to call out for your pup repeatedly when he wants to continue playing at the dog park or if he’s running on the beach. Recall is a tough training tactic, having a dog respond when his name is called off-leash, but it’s a critical lesson to learn. 

This part of training involves the dog’s safety and security, as well as the safety of others around him. If you continue to call without a response, perhaps ten times repeatedly, the dog now associates this with background noise instead of a command.

The objective is for the pup to become alert when his name is called the first time and come immediately in response. Two times if he’s really focused on what he’s doing. 

Having only one reward for positive behaviors

If you only use treats for positive behavior, eventually, the novelty of receiving a treat for every good deed will wear thin. Plus, if you run out of treats or forget them while you’re out, you have a major issue. 

An excellent approach is to mix up the reward tool kit with other incentives that delight the puppy when he displays good behavior. 

Dogs love affection, such as rubbing their heads, scratching their bellies, playtime, and tossing the ball. A mixture of positive reinforcements will develop stability without the need for treats. Read here for dog training supplies to have on hand.

Offering a reward at the wrong time

Dogs hope to manipulate a situation to ultimately satisfy their personal needs on their terms. If you present a positive reinforcement in a moment when the pup hasn’t rightfully earned it, maybe he sits after you spent 5 minutes asking 15 times for him to do so; that’s not something to be celebrated.

If you reinforce that undesirable behavior by offering a reward, the dog will actually learn that he can do things his way and in his own time and still receive accolades.

It’s okay to praise the behavior with your words but save the treats for when they respond better and faster to the commands. Professional training services will encourage you to use this habit as part of your homework for long-term positive results from the sessions.

Be available on your daily walks

Many pet parents use walks to handle business calls, contact family, catch up on the latest email or text—anything except pay attention to what’s happening with their pup. It’s important to keep all devices tucked away so you can be involved with your dog during the walk. You don’t want to overlook good or poor behavior in any situation. Your pup should feel as though he’s a priority when you’re interacting for playtime, walks, cuddles, training, any time you spend together. Reinforcements shouldn’t be given once you get home after the fact. These should be offered in real-time.

Use the appropriate command for the desirable behavior

“Down” is a term associated with professional trainers to get a dog to lie down. Many pet parents will use this term for varied purposes, such as having the pup come off of furnishings or move to another area in a vehicle. It confuses the training. When you want them to move off of something, the term “off” is appropriate.

If you need them to stop barking when the delivery person approaches with a package, use a calm tone when speaking to them to let them know “it’s okay” or say “calm.” The dog will follow your energy when you present the command. 

A good rule of thumb is incorporating hand gestures matching the command. If you want the dog to lie down, move your hand to the ground. It reinforces what you’re saying.

Final Thought

When training your pup in Murfreesboro, the primary objective a professional dog trainer will want you to gain from the sessions is to have realistic expectations from your pup. A dog is very intelligent, but they learn what they ultimately know from us, not because it’s simply a straightforward process that makes sense to us.

When you expect a pup to sit and stay, walk away to test the command, and then he breaks the direction, realistically, after a second of having held the command, the pup should receive a reward because he responded appropriately. 

After some time, the behavior will meet your expectations, and you can test their ability to stay until you release them. It would help if you were patient to eventually expect patience and tolerance from your pup.

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