This is a no-rules hop! Link up whatever you like and follow however you wish! It was originally designed to introduce bloggers to the Linky Followers widget, so if you haven’t signed up for it yet, read about it below and maybe you’ll decide it’s for you!
The Linky Followers Widget is a great replacement for GFC, and it has lots of bonus features too! Not only does Linky Followers keep track of all of the blogs you are following, but it also allows you to organize blogs into categories!!
If you don’t have a Linky Followers account (it’s free), you can head over to the web site and sign up here!
However, since I am now opening this hop up to hoppers of all persuasions, there’s no need to sign up for the service to participate. So link up whatever you’d like, whether you have a Linky Followers widget or not, and let people follow you however they prefer to! This is a NO RULES HOP! (Of course, if you’re feeling generous, I’d love for you to help spread the word. Hee hee!)
yummy recipes! new follower! 🙂