A User�s Guide � Everything to know About Cash Cards Before Applying

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Cash cards are an electronic payment card. They can be debit or gift cards or payroll cards. Credit cards are usually not categorized under cash cards. However, some financial organizationsoffer credit card as cash cards. It solely depends on the issuing institution.How does a cash card work?When the user chooses to pay with a cash card, the cashier swipes the card at the point of sale. Over a secure internet connection, the card is validated by the merchant. Validation is checking if the bank allows to purchase using the card. Once the card gets validated, the purchase gets completed and the user can carry the products boughtMerchants should pay fees to the bank to accept the cash cards. This money is added as a revenue to the banks or the financial organization issuing the card. For instance, if a Umay+card is used at Walmart, Walmart has to pay to Umay+.Are cash cards fee

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