Advantages Of Having A Child Custody Attorney By Your Side During A Custody Case

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Dealing with a divorce or separation can be a difficult situation for anyone. It can be even more challenging, painful, and complicated when minor children are involved.

Photo from Above The Law

So, suppose you and your estranged partner or spouse are going through a tough break-up and share joint custody of children. In that case, it’s essential to hire a child custody attorney as soon as possible because if you wait too long to contact an attorney for assistance, you could cause yourself serious problems that no attorney will be able to fix. 

The attorney will ensure that you and your rights remain protected should disagreements about sole or physical custody come up. An experienced child custody attorney will have resources and knowledge to help you and your estranged partner work together in your child’s best interest even if you and the other co-parent may be attempting to work out an agreement on your own.

The Attorney Will Work Hard To Protect Your Interests 

One of the most significant advantages that working with a child custody attorney during a separation case offers is that the attorney will work hard to protect your legal rights when it comes to things such as custody, visitation, and agreements with your ex about what’s in the child’s best interests. 

Seasoned attorneys can help you ensure that you’ll stay involved in your child’s life even when the sole custody is awarded to the other parent. They can also help with setting up visitation schedules, shield support, and financial agreements that might impact your overall quality of life.

Equally important, child custody attorneys are an outstanding resource if long-distance moves or other exceptional conditions and situations are involved in your case. Perhaps you live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and plan to move with your child after the separation to be closer to your family. 

In that case, the first thing you should do is hire a child custody attorney in Tulsa OK, to get honest advice about your legal rights. Whereas attorneys can’t make the final decision on your case, they can be of great advantage as they can offer legal advice on your next steps to get you closer to your goals when it comes to taking care of your parenting rights.

Photo from The Lawyer’s Magazine

The Child Custody Attorney Will Best Present Your Side Of The Story 

Whenever a child custody dispute ends up heading in the courtroom, the co-parents usually have strong feelings about what should happen. So, if your case ends up in the courtroom as well, you and your estranged partner will each make your case with the court and focus on all the things you believe the other parent is doing wrong. Chances are, you’ll get a strong urge to blame them for things falling apart because being in the court is an emotional time, and it can be challenging to keep emotions out of the proceedings. 

Telling your part of the story is very important. However, you have to know how to present your case on the trial because judges in such cases don’t necessarily care about what happened in your relationship unless it could potentially impact the children.

For this reason, your attorney can determine the most critical issues in your case and build a strategy that emphasizes your concerns and pushes your requests forward. By appropriately making your case, you can better demonstrate why the judge should approve your ideas. 

Details Matter And An Experienced Attorney Will Always Stay Focused On Them

Details matter, and having someone by your side that will stay focused on them at all times is an often overlooked advantage to having a specialist attorney for a custody case. Even though having legal representation at trial is an absolute requirement, it’s also essential to have an attorney by your side to consult with when you’re trying to negotiate a custody agreement with your former partner. 

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When co-parents enroll in custody agreements, they typically focus on the big picture. Which parent gets the children and makes all the major decisions for them moving forward? Co-parents don’t think about what will happen if certain disputes arise.

If agreements are not detailed, every little thing along the way could become a more serious problem and will only hurt the children in the long run. To avoid this, hire a professional to take care of problems before they even appear.

Final Words 

In the end, if you have a custody case on the horizon, make sure that you contact a highly skilled child custody attorney to better understand the specific issues that must be addressed before making any final decisions and prepare a winning strategy.

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