Affordable and Effective Website Marketing Strategies

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Getting a website up and running isn’t too difficult these days. Many website hosts have software that lets you set up WordPress with a few presses of a button. Getting people to come to your website is a problem that isn’t as simple to solve.

The good news is that it’s a problem worth solving. Estimates show that 78% of people conduct research online before buying products. You need your website to be there when this search happens.

There are a lot of website marketing strategies out there, but not all of them are affordable. Below are five marketing techniques you can try today that don’t cost a fortune, plus check out digital asset management.

1. SEO

Getting visitors from search engines is free. The problem is that there is a ton of competition to get on the front page. You need to optimize your website for SEO if you want to stand a chance.

This process is called on-site SEO. You start with the meta-information on your website to tell Google what to show searchers. This information also helps Google understand what each page on your website is about.

2. Email

It’s a waste of marketing dollars to get people on your site that never return. If you don’t have a way to capture their information, that’s what will happen.

Email opt-ins give you a way to reach out to past visitors. Once your visitor gives you their email address, they get put on a list that allows you to reach out at any time.

3. Social Media

You need to be where your customers are if you want to reach them online. These days, social media is that place.

Create accounts at the social media sites your customers are most likely to visit. You want to get them to like your website page so that you can send updates to them on your site.

Talk with your marketing company to learn the best ways to find your fanbase on these sites. Each one is different and requires a unique touch.

4. Content

SEO can only get you so far on your website. If you don’t have a lot of content, you’re only going to rank for a small number of keywords. Hosting is also very important. Check out Ubokia’s web hosting comparisons.

Content marketing is the process of figuring out what people in your industry search for. Your goal is to write content that answers their search queries. If you provide the best answer, you’ll start ranking for more keywords on Google.

5. Video

Video consumption is on the rise and isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon. As more areas get access to high-speed internet, you’ll have even more people watching videos online.

You don’t have to start with a huge production budget. Make videos that answer the questions your visitors have and upload them to video sites. People will find your content and head back to your website for more information.

Start Small With Website Marketing Strategies

Not all website marketing strategies out there will work for everyone. Start small and experiment with low-cost techniques to start with. Once you find something that works, you can begin scaling to drive even more visitors to your site.

Of course, getting visitors to your website isn’t enough if they don’t take the action you want them to take. Keep reading our blog to learn how to make the most of your new web traffic.

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