Best Jobs for Busy Moms: 4 Family-Friendly Careers to Consider

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Although there are many jobs out there, very few are family-friendly careers suitable for busy moms. However, don’t let this put you off looking; some roles are perfect for busy moms, including the roles listed below:

1. Teacher

Teachers supervise and educate children in a classroom setting. They inspire them to achieve their potential and help them when they struggle. But why is this such an excellent profession for busy moms?

While a teacher’s job is not easy, it is seen as one of the most rewarding careers you can have. On top of this, it is a career that allows you to work the same hours your kids are in school, meaning you can reduce additional childcare costs.

However, while all of this sounds great, you can’t just walk into the role of a teacher. You must complete the proper training first, such as a bachelor’s degree. The great news is that thanks to the shortage of teachers in the US, some states are helping people with the cost of their tuition. The emergency license Massachusetts program is one example of this. Emergency license teachers are eligible for $500 off their tuition fees for the first 4-credit course.

2. Web Developer

While technology careers are not the most common careers for busy moms to consider, they are a great option. Web developers design and create websites. Once the website is built, they ensure it looks good and is functional.

While web developers will have to spend some time meeting their clients or managers to discuss what they want and expect from a website, the majority of the time, web developers can work remotely, making it a great role for busy moms. And this isn’t the only benefit of this role; people who choose this career can expect to earn, on average, $67,990 annually.

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3. Realtor

Real estate agents help people sell, buy, or rent properties. This role involves soliciting and advising potential customers on market conditions and prices. On top of this, realtors are responsible for arranging viewings, and they handle all of the paperwork and negotiations for their customers.

Though hours can be extended in this profession, being a realtor is still considered one of the best jobs for busy moms. This is because most realtors can set their own schedules. The irregular hours in this role make it the perfect role for busy moms who don’t have full daytime childcare.

4. CEO of Your Own Company

If you really want to find a career that fits your busy life as a mom, you might want to consider becoming a CEO of your own company. You’re already the boss of your home, so why not add a business to your resume? Sure, running a business sounds pretty terrifying, but many moms have achieved success this way. And it has numerous benefits. Not only can you choose your own working hours and take time off when your kids are sick, but you can also run a business you are passionate about.

For the most part, the best jobs for busy moms have a few shared factors: they’re flexible in their schedules, they’re at least partly remote-friendly, and they pay well. All the jobs spoken about have these characteristics, which is why they’re included in our list.

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