Colonoscopy Singapore: What are its Benefits beyond Cancer Prevention?

A colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the colon and rectum. It's often done to screen for colorectal cancer or to investigate symptoms like rectal bleeding or changes in bowel habits. See more: To prepare for a colonoscopy, you'll need to follow a special diet and take laxatives to cleanse your colon. The procedure itself is usually done under sedation to make you more comfortable. … [Read more...]

Life After Cancer with Mastectomy Bras

Mastectomy bras are a lifesaver, especially for cancer survivors who had to have a mastectomy to beat breast cancer. Even if breast cancer appears to be the most diagnosed and treatable type of cancer, it is also having the most aggressive treatment protocol, after chemotherapy and radiation, the treatment option would be the surgical removal of the breasts to prevent the cancer cells in the breast from spreading and since it can be safely removed without the potential for damaging nerves or … [Read more...]

Which is the Best Way to Find Breast Cancer early?

Are you paying attention to your breast? You cannot block or prevent breast cancer from affecting you but can listen to your breast, sending you all the symptoms and detect it sooner. The sooner you detect it, the better you can treat it. If you observe new breast changes, fix an appointment with the doctor and treat yourself. While you are in treatment to increase your breast and examine changes in its appearance, don't waste time and go to your doctor. A breast self-exam and a … [Read more...]

What Prostate Cancer Surgeons Do For Their Patients?

The number of people being diagnosed with cancer is increasing per day and the main reasons for this situation are the changing lifestyles including food habits, lack of exercise, stress, pollution, etc. Breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer, etc are the commonly diagnosed types of cancers. One of the cancers in this list is prostate cancer that occurs in the prostate which is a small gland in males. The function of this little walnut-shaped gland is to … [Read more...]

Know About The Best Robotic Prostate Surgeons

Our body is designed quite systematically. Each part of the body is linked with another to ensure that all the organs, muscles, and fluids work together while synchronizing to support life today and every day. However, there can also be times when the body might not work properly because of some constraint or blockage. This could result from maladaptive lifestyle practices or even an internal problem that might lead to serious diseases.  About Prostate Gland Cancer Prostate cancer … [Read more...]

Gotta Love Chevy NEO #Like2EndCancer

I hope that all of you wonderful readers in the northeastern Ohio area took advantage of the #Drive2EndCancer on October 6th! We're waiting to hear just the results of how much money ended up being contributed! Now there's a new program going on that anyone in the United States can take part of! For every new 'Like' on the Gotta Love Chevy NEO page, $1 will be contributed to the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer initiative! … [Read more...]

Sleep Pink to Benefit The Avon Walk for Breast Cancer!

Did you know, that after skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women? Also, that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her life? The American Cancer Society has estimated that in 2012, 39,510 women will die from breast cancer. We need to find a cure. Too many women are being taken from their families and friends by this terrible thing. In January of 2006 my mom received a call that her mammogram came back abnormal. She had stage 1 breast cancer. She … [Read more...]

NEO Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Initiative #drive2endcancer

  October is coming up in just 6 short days. And if you've ever been in a store, you know what that means - Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Have you been affected by breast cancer? Whether it was yourself, your mom, sister, aunt, friend, or anyone else you know that had it? My mom had Stage 1 breast cancer back in 2006. Luckily it was just stage one and she was able to have it removed and just had to go through about a month's worth of radiation. Not every woman is lucky like my mom was. … [Read more...]