100 Miles in November – Are You In? #SlapDash100

So you remember that post I did awhile back about getting off my butt and exercising? I've done better than I used to. I'm exercising at least 2 times a week - usually doing zumba or Just Dance on Wii. But I need to do better. I need to stop the excuses. "I'm depressed and don't feel like doing anything." "I have work/blogging I need to do." "I have a headache." I have to stop the excuses. If I don't, I'm just going to gain more weight. Luckily with just exercising two times a week … [Read more...]

Week 2 of Nutrisystem! #NSNation #spon

Hello all! Time for my week 2 Nutrisystem update. I'm very excited about this week! After weighing myself (which I do every Monday morning) I lost 3 pounds in the past week! That makes my total weight loss up to 4 pounds! So exciting! I'm honestly a little shocked by this because the week I lost the 3 pounds was the week of Christmas. And, honestly, for Christmas dinner I did not eat my Nutrisystem meal. I ate the ham, mashed potatoes, corn, and a small piece of apple pie that we made … [Read more...]

Week 1 of Nutrisystem! #NSNation #spon

I told you all a couple weeks ago about my Nutrisystem weight loss journey and how it was beginning! I'm excited to tell you how week one went! This is a few days late, but because of Christmas I took a little bit of a break! My weight loss total for the first week (I weighed myself Monday, which was exactly a week after I started the program) was 1 pound! Not a lot, but it's better than either not losing anything at all or gaining! Above is my Instagram collage/picture of my day … [Read more...]

My Weight Loss Journey Is Beginning! #NSNation #spon

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter (which I hope you do!), you may have seen me tweet last week that I have been accepted into Nutrisystem's Blogger Nation program! I am so thankful that I get to take part in this program so that I can get down to a healthier weight. I will be receiving four month's on the Women's SUCCESS Program in exchange for me blogging, tweeting, and Facebooking about my journey! As of right now, I'm considered obese. I don't want to say exactly how much I weigh, … [Read more...]

Creative Bio Science 90 Day Contest

We all are trying to lose weight, right? We either indulged too much while pregnant, or haven't been watching what we eat or haven't exercised enough. We are all guilty of it. That's where Creative Bio Science comes in. They have products for weight loss, detoxing, or cleansing. I'm excited to be doing a 90 day contest with Creative Bio Science. I will be receiving a 3 month supply of Diet 1234 to try and help me with my weight loss. I will blog about my experience with the products, … [Read more...]