Childhood Gambling: A Parent’s Guide To Risks And Prevention

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Gambling is a popular activity for adults, but what about children? This article will explore the risks and prevention of childhood gambling.

Most gambling activities are considered adult activities. However, there are some gambling activities that children may be able to participate in. For example, scratch cards and lottery tickets are often available for purchase by children. Many video games also contain microtransactions, which are a form of gambling. In-game items come with real money, and one can use these items to gamble on chance-based outcomes within the game.

Online gaming

Online gaming motivates kids to progress in a game, often by obtaining items. To get the items, some games gamify the process in a similar way to gambling: They ask players to spend real money to acquire items that help them progress.

If your child plays games online, be aware of these elements that can lead to child and adolescent gambling.

Skins betting is an online gaming term that takes the form of gambling, but instead of gambling with money, gamers use “skins.” A skin is a graphic that changes the appearance of a character in a video game. For example, a skin might be a graphic that turns a plain gun into one with unique colors and designs. There are third-party sites where gamers can gamble with their skins, using them as a virtual currency. A gamer typically has to purchase it with real money transacted within the game to get skin in the first place.

How to talk to kids about gambling

You can prevent your child from developing a gambling problem by talking to them about gambling early. It’s important to have these conversations before they’re exposed to any form of gambling, whether through video games, TV, movies, or friends.

Here are some tips from Betadvisor on how to talk to kids about gambling:

  • Start the conversation early. The sooner you start talking to your children about gambling, the better.
  • Be a good role model. Children learn by example. If you don’t gamble yourself, or if you gamble responsibly, your child is more likely to do the same.
  • Explain what gambling is and how it works. Help your child understand that gambling is a game of chance where people bet money on the outcome of an event.
  • Talk about the risks of gambling. Explain to your child that gambling can be addictive and lead to financial problems.
  • Encourage your child to talk to you about gambling. Let them know that they can come to you with any questions or concerns about gambling.
  • Set limits on gambling behavior. If your child does gamble, make sure they do so responsibly. For example, set a limit on how much money they can spend on gambling activities.
  • Monitor your child’s behavior. Please pay attention to any changes in their behavior, such as excessive lying or stealing, which could indicate a problem with gambling.

The risks of childhood gambling:

While gambling can be a harmless activity for adults, it can be very risky for children. Children are still developing cognitively and emotionally, and they are not yet able to understand or manage money in the same way that adults can. It can lead to gambling addiction, debt, and other financial problems.

What is childhood gambling? Gambling is placing something of value at risk to win something else of greater value. So when does gambling become an issue for children?

The line between childish fun and gambling can be blurry, but some key characteristics distinguish gambling from other activities.

Gambling is usually harmful if it:

  • Causes financial harm to the child or their family
  • Negatively impacts the child’s physical or mental health
  • Interferes with the child’s education or social life
  • Leads the child to commit illegal acts.

There are several risks associated with childhood gambling. These include:

  • Financial problems: If a child loses more money than they can afford to lose, this can lead to financial problems for them or their family. Gambling can also lead to problem debt, as children may borrow money to gamble with and then find themselves unable to repay it.
  • Mental health problems: Gambling can lead to a range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Children may also develop a gambling addiction, a serious mental health condition.
  • Social problems: Gambling can interfere with a child’s education and social life. They may miss school or social activities to gamble or steal money to gamble with. It can lead to problems such as truancy, exclusion from school, and social isolation.

Childhood gambling is a serious issue that can have significant negative consequences. If you are concerned that your child may be gambling, there are several things you can do to help them.

Prevention is the best way to reduce the risks of childhood gambling. Parents should talk to their children about healthy activities and budgeting. They should also set limits on how much money their children can spend on gambling activities. Additionally, parents should be aware of the signs of problem gambling in children to get help for their children if necessary.

If you think your child may be engaging in gambling activities, there are some signs you can look for. These include:

  • Asking for money more often than usual
  • Stealing money or valuables
  • Lying about where they got money from
  • Skipping school or extracurricular activities to gamble
  • Hiding gambling behavior from you
  • Losing interest in hobbies or things they used to enjoy

How can I tell if my kids are engaging in problem gambling?

There are a few signs that may indicate your child is engaging in problem gambling, such as:

  • Preoccupation with gambling, thinking about it all the time or talking about it constantly
  • Making frequent trips to the casino or gambling online more often than usual
  • Borrowing money to gamble or stealing to get money to gamble
  • Losing interest in hobbies, activities, and friends
  • Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed when not gambling
  • Chasing losses by gambling more after losing money

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it’s important to talk to them. They may be embarrassed or ashamed to tell you what’s going on, but it’s crucial to get them to help if they’re struggling with gambling.

What do you think? Are there other factors that influence gambling habits in children?


Gambling can be a fun activity for adults, but it is important to prevent children from participating. By talking to your children about the risks of gambling and setting limits on their spending, you can help keep them safe.

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