Choosing the Best Hot Water Heater For Your Home

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Hot water heaters are one of those things that most people don’t think about until they stop working, then it’s suddenly an emergency to get it replaced. But planning ahead can help you avoid making a rash decision when the time comes to replace it. It’s a good idea to get your water tank checked by hot water tanks Calgary every year or two, especially if it’s ten years old or more. It doesn’t cost a lot, and you’ll usually get some advanced warning when it’s time to replace it. Which can save you a lot of trouble if you can avoid a burst water tank. When you do replace your water heater, there are a couple of options to choose from.

Traditional heaters with tanks

 The first is the type of tank that most people are familiar with. The water is stored inside the tank and kept warm throughout the day so there is always hot water available when you need it. These types of water heaters work fine, but they’re not the most economical to run. Because the tank is heating water all the time, even if you’re not necessarily using it, they tend to use quite a bit of energy.

Instant water heater

The other option that has become more and more popular in recent years is an instant water heater. These heaters heat the water on demand – when you need it. So they’re not using energy all the time to keep water warm. Instant hot water tanks are a bit more expensive than the traditional tank-style heaters, so you will spend more up front. But with the energy you’ll save over time, you will actually wind up spending less on these types than you would on the traditional style.

Your geographic location is the first thing that comes into play; it’s pretty simple: if you live in a colder climate your heater will take more energy to heat up your water, and if you live in a warmer climate it will take less. When purchasing your instant water heater, be sure to take a look at their geographical zone map; it will show you exactly which model you need for your specific place. Another aspect to look at is house size. Depending on the size and the placement of the locations in your house where you will need hot water, you may need one small unit or a few small instant water heaters, or one great big water heater. It is different for every setup and every layout of every different house.

Whichever option you choose, make sure you do your homework to ensure that the heater you buy is going to be able to provide enough hot water for your needs.

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