6 Common Pests and How to Prevent Them from Infesting Your Home

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Keeping the house clean is not enough to keep pests at bay. There is no relation between cleanliness and an infected house. These little insects could be a nuisance to you and everyone living in the house, so it is integral to have an effective method of getting rid of them. Some types of pests could be endangering your family or your pets, destroying your house by nibbling on your furniture or infesting your bed. To get rid of these pests immediately, you need to be knowledgeable on the most common pests and how to prevent them from infecting your home.

1. Termites

Termites can be the worst thing that could happen to you if you’ve moved recently and you have very expensive furniture. They will gnaw at your wooden property to the point of no repair and there wouldn’t be anything to do besides replacing all the wood. Learning how to get rid of them is important. Keep in mind though that it is common to face problems when you are preventing termite colonies, but when you follow certain measures, like allowing sunlight to fill your house, dealing with pipe leaks, and keeping a dehumidifier, you will deter the little insects. Since they dislike sunlight and thrive in damp environments, these could be effective steps to battle them. The next steps would be to remove cellulose-based waste from around the vicinity, junk wood, and cardboard. 

2. Bed bugs

Bed bugs are small, oval brown insects that feed on your blood or your animals’ blood. When they bite, the small body becomes engorged with a dark red color. They tend to hide basically anywhere, like clothes, luggage, couches, beds, and wood. Bed bugs don’t transmit diseases, but they are still a major nuisance. The way to prevent further infestation is to clean your house regularly, especially in places in which they live. Clean linens, curtains, and clothes with hot water and use the dryer on the highest setting. Use a vacuum cleaner on your bed and the places infected and also repair cracks with glue to prevent bedbugs from hiding inside. 

3. Fleas

Being a pet owner means you want to protect your furry friend from insects bothering it as these infestations take a long time to control. You will have to find an effective method to prevent them rather than deal with them. If you have a yard, mow the grass and trim the shrubs. Don’t leave a chance for feral cats, dogs or wildlife to ravage your yard and bring fleas with them. Don’t attract them as well by leaving cat or dog food outside your house. Any high objects, trees, or shrubs that animals can jump on must be removed or trimmed.

4.  Cockroaches

We’ve all had to deal with cockroaches at some point. Cockroaches usually live outside, but they go hunt for food in warm weather or rain and they prefer humid areas. They can also inhabit trees and slip easily into your house via the sewers, windows, or garages. A good practice to follow for prevention is the constant sanitation of the house, especially the kitchen. Keep your food in containers and don’t leave any food out overnight. Wash your dishes and try to limit where you consume food to one room. Empty trash cans and keep the lid closed tightly.

5. Mosquitoes

Nothing can ruin your summertime other than annoying mosquitos that keep attacking you with their little bites! This is why you should seek to prevent them from infesting your home. You can use methods like planting mosquito-repelling greenery around your house, or in the yard. Cleaning up debris, decaying logs, and leaf piles will not give mosquitoes the chance to lay eggs and infest the premises. Still, watery surfaces like small ponds should be eliminated as well since female mosquitoes will lay their eggs there.

6. Spiders

Most spiders won’t cause any harm to humans, but having an eight-legged creature in your house could be scary, especially for your younger family members. The good news is that you can easily get rid of them using natural methods, like using vinegar and spraying it around the house. Planting a eucalyptus tree in your garden will also help repel spiders. If you don’t have a place for it, you can plant lavender or mint. All of these options will fill the place with an amazing smell.

It is important to get rid of pests because you don’t know what bacteria they might be spreading around the house. Preventing pests from entering your house in the first place will give you peace of mind, so make sure to secure your house for a better, more comfortable life.

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