Our beloved pups are family members, not just pets, and taking care of them involves a lot more than giving them cuddles, food, shelter, and vet care when they need it.
Part of looking after a dog also involves stopping them from consuming certain things. No matter how puppy-like your doggo acts or how cutely it pleads, these are seven things you should never feed them:
1) Cow’s Milk
Cow’s milk is a common cause of tummy troubles in dogs and can lead to abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating. Like humans, dogs can be lactose intolerant, and although lactose-free milk can be a good dairy alternative for humans to enjoy, dogs don’t require the milk of another animal to thrive. So, dairy doesn’t need to be part of their diet.
2) The Onion Family
Any member of the onion family is toxic to your dog, including:
- Leeks
- Chives
- Onions
- Garlic
- Shallots
These ingredients can hide in deli meats, chips, bread, and other human foods you may not think twice about sharing with your pup. However, if too much goes down, your dog may experience tummy issues. Sadly, these foods can damage the animal’s red blood cells, causing severe problems, sometimes immediately, sometimes as long as a few days after consumption.
3) Corn on the Cob
Corn is a potentially problematic food that many pet owners don’t think twice about sharing with their dogs. Dogs can eat bones, so why not corn on the cob, right? The truth is that corn on the cob should be no problem at all. However, all that fiber can cause intestinal blockages, which is why corn on the cob should be avoided when feeding your dog.
4) Chocolate
Chocolate is full of theobromine, which has no impact on humans but is toxic for dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is likely to be.
Dogs can experience symptoms like the following if they consume chocolate:
- Restlessness
- Vomiting
- Excessive thirst
- Tummy pain
- Breathing quickly
- Seizures
- Heart rate instability
- Fever
- Shaking
- Panting
How impacted a pet will be by their chocolate consumption depends on their size and how much chocolate they have consumed. If they have been affected, they will show symptoms within 2-12 hours, so time is of the essence when seeking help from your vet.
5) Avocado
Avocado is pretty epic on toast, as guacamole, and as a salad dressing. It’s also the perfect topping for a piping hot vegan burger. As cool as your dog is, however, it just isn’t made to be an avo-loving hipster. Avocado can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs because it contains persin, which is present in the leaves, skin, fruit, and seeds.
6) Grapes & Raisins
Grapes and raisins are highly toxic to dogs and should never be given to them. Even one raisin can be lethal to a canine because these tasty fruits can give them sudden-onset kidney disease.
7) Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are incredibly delicious, and for us humans, they are also highly nutritious, filled with lots of fiber, manganese, thiamin, protein, and copper. For dogs, though, macadamia nuts can cause weakness in the back legs, malaise, and tummy issues. In some cases, pancreatitis can occur, which can be very painful (and sometimes lethal) for the dog.
Keep Your Dog’s Food Tried, Tested, and Canine Friendly
It is always best to stick to trusted dog food products as they contain all the nutrients your pup needs. By avoiding potentially toxic human foods and giving them the best doggy diet you can afford, you’ll get many more years (and cuddles) with them.

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