First Trimester: Your Essential Pregnancy To-Do List

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Pregnancy is a wonderful, unique time of your life. While your baby’s growing, your whole body is changing and your hormones are at their peak. You might find yourself stunned by the situation, having difficulties getting accustomed to this new ‘ you’. However, there are numerous things you can do to make each month until the blissful due date arrives as enjoyable as possible. This to-do list will help you organize better and familiarize yourself with your body’s needs, as well as the needs of your baby. Here is how to stay happy and healthy during the first trimester of pregnancy.

  1. It’s time to choose your healthcare provider

Once you have determined you have a bun in the oven either by doing home pregnancy tests or seeing a doctor, it’s time to choose who will monitor and guide you through the nine months of change. If you already have a doctor or a midwife you are comfortable with, that’s one item off the checklist at the start. However, if you don’t, do some research and talk to friends and relatives who might be able to recommend someone suitable for you. Check your insurance plan since you might choose some of the preferred providers there, or search online for an adequate professional.

  1. Schedule your prenatal appointment

Most doctors will see you no sooner than the eighth week of pregnancy. However, it is wise to call ahead and schedule the appointment, since they might not be available on short notice. You can prepare for this by writing down the first day of your last period so the doctor may determine the due date and plan accordingly. Inquire about medical histories in your family on both sides and inform your provider about any possible chronic conditions or genetic issues.

  1. Quit smoking

There are no benefits to smoking, especially during pregnancy. This would be the perfect time to quit since the risks of smoking while pregnant are the ones not to be toyed with. There is a danger of miscarriage, preterm birth or placental problems. Smoking will slow down the growth of your baby and increase the risk of infant death. Ensure your baby’s health by improving your own and forget about the cigarettes. It’s a nasty habit you should be glad to leave behind.

  1. Cut down on caffeine and alcohol

It hasn’t yet been determined how much alcohol will endanger your unborn baby, so in order to be on the safe side, most experts recommend refraining from it completely while you’re expecting. However, when coffee is concerned, you don’t have to eliminate it from your diet, but rather limit its intake to 200mg of caffeine a day, i.e. two cups of instant or one cup of brewed coffee. Since we’re talking about caffeine, be careful how much cola, tea, chocolate or energy drinks you consume. If you exceed the recommended limit, you increase the possibility of miscarriage.

  1. Careful what you eat

No extra calories are needed in the first two trimesters. You need a healthy, balanced diet full of nutrients in order to stay strong and ensure the baby’s best development. While your diet needs to be diverse, there are foods containing certain parasites, bacteria or toxins that are harmful for the baby. This group includes some cheeses and dairy products, undercooked meat as well as liver and pate. However, lightly cooked eggs are ok, but only if you are certain of their quality. First-Trimester nausea may make it difficult for you to have a well-rounded diet. Focus on nuts, fresh and dried fruit, multigrain pasta and yogurt and try to eat often and keep your portions small and at room temperature. Some women may experience severe nausea which goes on from morning well into the day. Should this be the case, consult your doctor about using vitamin B6 or anti-nausea medication.

If you know what to expect while expecting, you can efficiently deal with all the challenges pregnancy brings about. Try to establish a good, stable rhythm when it comes to your diet, sleeping habits and don’t miss your doctor’s appointments. All the good habits you acquire during this wonderful time are worth sticking to after you get to meet the little one on your due date.

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