Have Dry, Brittle, Damaged Hair? Try a Soothing Rice Treatment

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It’s amazing how having the right (or wrong!) hairstyle can completely make or break an outfit. Even the classiest designer pieces can look out of place if your hair isn’t looking its very best. What’s an aspiring style maven to do when her hair doesn’t seem to want to obey?

From frizz to flyaways, trying to tame your mane can seem like a serious challenge sometimes. No matter what you do and how hard you try to coax it, it can still seem like your hair has a mind of its own. Fortunately, having soft, sleek hair doesn’t have to be an impossible challenge. 

Enter: the humble rice water hair treatment. This proven style secret is sure to give you back the soft, bouncy hair that you know is just hiding beneath the bird’s nest on your head. Even better, employing this method is also super affordable, meaning that there is literally nothing holding you back from trying it out today.

What Exactly Is Rice Water?

The recipe for rice water for your hair is deceptively simple, but the benefits are oh-so incredible. To make it, all you need is some rice and water. That’s it. It may seem like a gimmick, as though you need more than just a simple combination of rice and water to do it, but that’s literally all rice water is.

To prepare your formula, just prepare a batch of rice as you normally would. Give it a quick rinse, add fresh water, then let it soak. Once it’s soaked for a few hours, you’ll then drain your water into a clean container. Reserve your rinsed rice for your favorite recipes. That cloudy liquid that was left behind? That’s what’s going into your hair.

The Benefits of Rice Water

If you’re looking to overhaul your hair without resorting to harsh or expensive chemical treatments, then you’re long overdue for a rise water treatment. Using rice water on your hair has been shown to give you more body, adding much-needed bounce to your mane. Furthermore, it can make your hair thicker, fuller, and more shiny.

Even better, rice water has been shown to reduce breakage, giving an impressive healing touch to fried, damaged hair. Stubborn hair will become more manageable, and you’ll keep running your fingers through it, as it’ll feel incredibly luxurious after using the rice water treatment.

Okay, now that you understand what you’re using the rice water for, now it’s time to dig a little bit deeper into why you want to use it for your hair. It’s one thing to be told that it’ll give you smoother, softer tresses, but it’s another one entirely to understand why it’s so amazing for your hair.

The perks of using rice water for your hair are numerous. For instance, rice is full of healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These include:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Phenolic/flavonoid compounds
  • Amino acids
  • Inositol

All of these are shown to help improve the health of your hair. Oh, and pro tip? A rice water treatment isn’t just for your hair. You can also use it on your face to reduce the appearance of fine lines and dry patches, too. It’s a win-win all around!

How to Use Rice Water

Unlike other hair treatments, which may seem like you’d need a science degree to figure out how to use them, using a rice water hair treatment is a breeze. If you’ve purchased a rice water product at the store, then it’s likely already incorporated into a shampoo or conditioner, and you can use it per the instructions on the bottle.

Otherwise, if you’re trying a homemade rice water treatment, then don’t worry. It’s a cinch to use. There are a couple of popular ways to do it, but please note that there is no wrong way to do it. One way you can use your rice water treatment is as a pre-wash rinse. Just add it to your hair before shampooing, let it sit, then wash it out.

Or, if you prefer, you can also use it as a mask. Once you’re done washing your hair, but before you condition it, add the rice water to your hair and let it soak there for a few minutes. Rinse it out, then condition and style as usual. You’ll notice the results immediately.

Starting a Rice Water Treatment Today

Finally, if you’re wondering how often you can use a rice water treatment on your hair, there’s no right or wrong answer. Rice water is completely safe, and there’s no risk of damaging your hair. That means that if you want to use it once a week, that’s totally fine. Want to do it every other day? Also absolutely okay!

If your style has been feeling a little bit off, the fact is, your hair may be to blame. However, by simply incorporating rice water into your daily routine, you can start to notice the benefits immediately — and the only thing you’ll be wondering after seeing how it transforms your look is why you didn’t try it sooner!

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