‘Healing in the Hurting Places’ by Karen F Riley Review & Giveaway

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Healing in the Hurting Places

by Karen F. Riley is a very powerful book that brought tears to my eyes on several occasions.

Karen talks about how, as a victim of sexual abuse as a child, she buried all of the secrets, only to have them come back to the surface as an adult. She talks about the pain and the anger she had. I love how she comes to terms with what happened and reconnected with God. Any person who has ever been a victim of any kind of abuse should definitely read this when they are ready. It’s so touching reading this woman’s story. She’s a true inspiration. She tells readers who have been abused in any way how they can heal.

You can purchase Healing in the Hurting Places at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Karen has been married to her husband, Bill, for 32 years and they have three children and one granddaughter. They live in New Egypt, New Jersey.
In 2011 Karen was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and was given a short time to live. She’s making the most of whatever time God has given her and wants to make a difference in others’ lives while she can. Since she suffered alone in silence for so long, she wants to help others find their own voices and learn how to heal.

To follow Karen F. Riley:

I’m excited to be able to giveaway a copy of Healing in the Hurting Places! To enter, just use the Rafflecopter form below! Open to United States only, please. The giveaway will end at 12:01am on October 11th! Good luck to all who enter!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Great Review! Thank you for being part of the Healing in the Hurting Places Book Tour https://www.charismamedianetwork.com

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