9 Common Health Issues That CBD Can Help With

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Cannabidiol (CBD) is a popular supplement that has gained traction over the past decade. If you look into what it is, how it works, and what benefits it has to offer, you will see some general issues that it can help with, including reducing pain and inflammation, improving sleep, and relieving anxiety and stress.

It’s also worth knowing some specific situations in which CBD can help, because the way it affects our bodies makes it very versatile. Premium CBD is not a miracle drug, so it can’t cure anything, but it can help mitigate and relieve symptoms for a variety of conditions.

1. Reduce Hangovers

Hangovers are something almost everyone experiences at least once in their lives, and for a lot of people it can be semi-frequent. Since CBD is a powerful source of antioxidants and pain relief, it is able to help with the following symptoms of hangovers:

  • Reduces oxidative stress caused by the toxins in alcohol, which is what causes high blood pressure, inflammation and soreness when hungover
  • Relieves headaches and other aches and pains
  • Reduces nausea and vomiting

It won’t necessarily completely cure these symptoms, especially for more severe hangovers. But it can help mitigate the worst of it.

2. Relieve Headaches

Headaches are a very common condition that everyone experiences, and in some cases it can turn into a more severe migraine. There is evidence that CBD can help relieve some of the pain from both, depending on the type or cause of the headaches. For more information you can visit CFAH.

CBD is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory, so it can help reduce symptoms of headaches where that is a factor. It also interacts with the receptors in your endocannabinoid system (ECS) that is part of your nervous system. More specifically, it binds to the receptors that control pain signals, which can help dull the intensity of pain you experience from things like headaches.

3. Quit Nicotine

Many people also deal with trying to quit smoking and nicotine addiction, and there is some evidence that CBD can help you kick the habit as well. First, it can help manage some of the withdrawal symptoms. It has also been found to reverse some of the behavioral cues that can make people more tempted to smoke a cigarette when they are going through withdrawal. In fact, CBD is starting to be used to help with addiction recovery to a variety of substances, including alcohol and hard drugs.

4. Relieve Constipation

Research has shown that CBD can help with a variety of stomach and digestion-related issues like constipation. It’s not fully understood how, but the common belief is that it goes back to the receptors in your ECS. One of the other neurotransmitters that CBD can help control the release of is serotonin, which is primarily found in your stomach. Between that and its ability to reduce inflammation, which can also contribute to constipation, CBD can be used to help mitigate the severity of your issues.

5. Reduce Period Cramps

The ability of CBD to help with period cramps is simple: it is able to reduce pain, and it is able to reduce inflammation. Since it is a naturally occurring chemical compound extracted from hemp plants, it can also be combined with other methods of pain relief. You can use it with over the counter pain relief methods like NSAIDs. For people who deal with more extreme cramping, you may find that it can further mitigate the pain you experience.

6. Improve Muscle Recovery

Another way that CBD’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation can come in handy is to help people recover faster from a workout. When you exercise, you do damage to your muscles and joints. That is what leads to the feelings of stiffness and soreness the next day, especially if your workout was more intense. CBD helps beyond just the usual pain and inflammation, because it is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary building blocks to produce new and healthy muscle cells to replace those that were damaged.

7. Help with Diabetes

Diabetes is a more serious but increasingly common condition, and another that has inflammation as a significant factor. It is an inflammatory condition, which is why one of the methods used to manage diabetes is to follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

There is growing research that inflammation can both lead to the development of diabetes, and an increased risk of things like heart disease and inflamed pancreas. There is also research that shows signs that reducing inflammation, with CBD or otherwise, can help prevent the contraction of diabetes and manage the symptoms if you already have it.

8. Manage Allergies

Allergies are caused when your immune system becomes hyperactive in response to external factors. It can be environmental and airborne elements during the changing seasons, or it can be a type of food, exposure to animals, and more.

Inflammation is a byproduct of such an immune system response, at least in the case of some allergies. There is some evidence that CBD can also decrease the production of histamines, which are used to expel allergens from your body. By inhibiting their production, CBD can help reduce your allergic response in some cases.

9. Relieve Cold and Flu Symptoms

Some of the common symptoms for both the flu and the common cold include aches, soreness, and inflammation. For the flu, CBD is also able to help relieve any feelings of nausea and prevent vomiting. Lastly, you can also take CBD seasonally to avoid contracting either the flu or a cold. One of the other effects of CBD interacting with the endocannabinoid system is improving your immune system.

It’s worth noting that CBD can help manage these issues, but it won’t cure them. It can improve your chances of not contracting some of these conditions, and can reduce or relieve some of the symptoms so they are not as severe. The benefit is that it can also be combined with other traditional methods of treating these conditions as well.

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