Hello There!

Sharing is caring!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week. I know I did! My husband and I had a great mini vacation away. Now it’s back to reality. Lol. I missed my little girl, though. I can’t believe that in less than a month she’ll be a year old! It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to her. Above is a picture of her from Wednesday. We were eating at Frisch’s and she was enjoying her mac and cheese. 🙂

My weekend is being filled with working on my recipe site, Peace Love Recipes, as much as I can. I transferred it from Blogger to WordPress and none of my categories/tags transferred over so I have to go through all of my posts and re-categorize them. Very time consuming. But I’m sure it will be worth it in the end.

What are you up to this weekend? Anything exciting? Or just relaxing? Let me know! 🙂

Sharing is caring!


  1. She looks like she was enjoying it! Time rushes by doesn’t it our youngest turned one last week and I keep looking at him thinking how are you one? We are jumping into spring cleaning early and trying to get rid of some stuff, although it might be more than just a one week endeavor. Good luck with the re-categorizing!

  2. Time goes by VERY fast. My daughter is almost turning 5 and I just can’t believe it. I also miss my baby. I really wish I could freeze the time just to enjoy her first years a little bit longer.

    Your daughter is adorable. Love the pic with the mac n cheese all over her face!

    Thank you for stopping by! I’m your newest Linky follower!


  3. I didn’t know you had another blog! You are busy! Your daughter is absolutely adorable!!!

  4. Such beautiful blue eyes…the boys are going to have to watch out for her when she gets bigger! I love messy faces!

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