Helping Your Kids Sleep

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Sleep is one of the most essential health metrics in a child’s life. If they aren’t sleeping well, they won’t be able to grow and develop properly. As a parent, you bear most of the responsibility for your kids’ sleep, especially if they’re young. However, getting little ones to build a healthy sleep habit can be a nightmare. If you’re struggling to get your children to sleep enough, the following tips may help. 

Healthy Snacks

One of the best ways to encourage sleep is by giving your kids healthy snacks before bed. While this may seem silly, certain foods are high in nutrients that tell the body it’s time to rest. Some of the best foods to help you sleep are nuts and whole grains. Nuts are naturally high in melatonin, a molecule that helps the body control the circadian rhythm. When you give your little ones nuts around an hour before bed, their bodies will have a higher melatonin content right when it’s time to tuck them in. If your kids are picky eaters, snacks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or apples dunked in almond butter are good options.

Whole-grain options like oatmeal, cereal, and crackers can also encourage sleep. The complex carbs in these foods fill the belly quickly, leading to an instant drowsy feeling. On a more scientific side, oats and rice contain melatonin and the minerals needed to process it. Giving your children a granola bar with oats or a small bowl of oatmeal can help make bedtime easier for everyone. By including healthy snacks in your evening, you can encourage sleepiness in your children. 

Regular Routine

Perhaps the most crucial aspect of helping your kids sleep is having a regular routine. As much as possible, try to get your children to bed at the same time every night. If your little ones have a set bedtime, their bodies will adjust automatically and start getting sleepy around that time. While you don’t have to be down to the minute every night, doing your best to adhere to your kids’ bedtime will help them sleep better. Along similar lines, having a set wake-up time will make your morning routine easier. If your children are waking up at the same time every day, you won’t have to fight as much to get them out of bed.

It’s also essential to have a routine leading to bedtime. This routine will change as your kids get older, but having certain activities that are reserved for bedtime will help them wind down. For example, a bath with lavender-scented soap will help young children especially start to relax. After personal hygiene is cared for, some bonding activities such as bedtime stories, nighttime songs, or personal affirmations will help build your relationship while encouraging sleepiness. No matter what your routine includes, keeping it regular will save you a headache at bedtime. 

Relaxed Homelife

Finally, making sure your children feel relaxed and safe in their space is critical to their sleep patterns. Every child has nightmares; it’s a bit of a rite of passage. But if your children know that you’ll help them if they’re scared, they won’t be so afraid to sleep. Helping your kids feel safe in their room may include proving there’s no boogeyman in the closet or monsters under the bed, but these antics will all lead to healthier sleep and a stronger relationship. If your kids feel safe at night, they will be much more likely to fully relax into sleep and get the kind of rest their growing bodies need. 

Similarly, your evenings should be relatively relaxed. If your children are going to bed stressed because of experiences at home, they won’t be able to sleep well. While it’s impossible to achieve perfection at home, it’s essential to keep things like marital disagreements and financial struggles away from your children, especially if they’re young. Giving your kids a relaxed and safe place of their own will encourage restful and restorative sleep.

Overall, the few hours leading up to bedtime are the most critical. By controlling the health of that time, you can impact how well your children sleep. 

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