Are you looking to make your house smell fresh and clean? It will take some time and research, but the payoff is worth it!
How Bad Odors Happen in Your House
Where do those stinky odors come from? There can be many factors that contribute to making your house stink or even just keep you from enjoying that clean, fresh home smell. The first thing to do is to track down the source. Is it coming from the laundry room? There might be mold or mildew somewhere. Is it coming from your kitchen? You might need to clean out your disposal, your dishwasher, or trash can. There could be old food or a dead animal hiding somewhere. Once you track down the source, you can go to work solving the problem.
Try Activated Charcoal
Once you take care of the main source, if one exists, using a product can work great at absorbing the odors and banish the smell from your house. Activated charcoal is a porous powder you can place near a particularly smelly spot, and it will stop those stinks in their tracks! You can purchase this from various companies such as OdorCrush. Click here to learn more.
Clean Your Appliances
Start attacking each room. Kitchens are usually one of the biggest sources of smells because that’s where we cook and use foods that expire. Start with the fridge. Empty everything out and throw out anything old, expired, or that is just not looking right. It’s freeing to get into those deep corners to scrub!
Then get into the oven. Many newer ovens come with self-cleaning options. Run that, or research ways to get any grime or melted spots out of your oven. Then take on the microwave and stove. Manually clean your dishwasher and sink. It’s amazing how much cleaner and fresh your kitchen will feel.
Take a damp washcloth and scrub all the walls, paying special attention to the backsplash behind the stove and behind the sink. Food splatters can add up and contribute to the smell, so taking the time to wash them down will help eliminate it. Take out any appliances you can to scrub the floor and walls hiding behind them.
Clean Your Furniture
Now move on to attacking your furniture. Cloth and fabric will soak up smells better than any other materials, so there might be smells lurking underneath. You can rent a vacuum that can dry shampoo your couch cushions, mattresses, and other pieces of furniture. This is worth doing, especially if you have pets. Wash down your table and chairs. Clean the counters and any other surfaces. Put any bedding you can through the washing machine. It’s incredible how much softer and comfortable your pieces will feel after giving them a good clean!
Taking the time to attack the problem and then maintaining your area is worth it. You will feel lighter and happier when you head home, and it will help you feel more comfortable once you are there.
I’m a 20-something stay-at-home mother and wife. I have an amazing husband, a beautiful daughter, two loving dogs, and a lazy cat. I wouldn’t change my life for anything! I love to read, listen to music, cook and blog!
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