How can Reconstructive Urology Services help you?

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When a urological condition leads to a change in the structure and function of the urinary tract of an individual, reconstructive urological surgery is performed. It also helps in cases of structural changes in the sexual reproductive system. These problems lead to difficulty in urination o sexual dysfunction, thereby making it necessary to seek the guidance of a urologist for reconstructive urology. This treatment cosmetically repairs the urinary and sexual organs to reinforce the structure. It is advisable to consult an experienced urologist for reconstructive urology service. Visit a Gousse Urology clinic to help with Reconstructive Urology. Here the expert urologists can guide you to make the right decision. The surgeons at Gousse Urology stress treating severe conditions that affect the urinary system like any disease or injury using the latest technology. Expert urologists like Raul Fernandez-Crespo MD help the patients to regain control over their regular life and return to their daily life activities.

Reconstructive Urology plays a crucial role in treating several conditions. Some of the prominent ones are:

Urethral Stricture

Urination becomes problematic if the urethra or the tube carrying the urine out of the body becomes narrow. It happens due to any inflammation or any injury, disease, or surgery. If the body cannot expel the urine due to any hindrance, the fluid again travels to the urinary tract. It leads to urinary tract infections. It may also dilate the organ where the fluid rests. It may also result in tissue damage.

Two main reconstructive urology approaches to correct urethral strictures:

  • Urethrostomy: In this process, an endoscope is inserted through the urethra. The central part of the endoscope carries an instrument to cut through the constriction to allow the urine flow. After this procedure, a catheter is attached. During the healing period of the patient, the catheter collects the urine. Apart from this urethral incision, a stent is also placed in the urethra. It keeps the opening wide to allow the passing of urine.
  • Urethroplasty: Here, an incision is made near the constriction, and the scar tissue is removed. In urethroplasty, either the urethra is reconnected or reconstructed using skin grafting. The urethral stricture’s size determines the amount of removal of tissue. The patient needs to wear a catheter for around fifteen days after the surgery to allow the urethra to heal.

Urinary Incontinence

Due to this condition, the urinary bladder muscles lose their ability to hold urine, thereby leading to urine leakage. It causes immense discomfort for the patient and affects his quality of life. The type of incontinence and the severity of the condition determines the reconstructive urological procedures. The standard reconstructive surgical procedures include:

  • Detrusor myectomy with an enterocystoplasty: In the case of urge incontinence, the patient feels a strong urge to urinate suddenly and involuntarily passes urine. It leads to embarrassment and discomfort. It is treated through reconstructive surgery of removal of the defective muscles of the bladder. These muscles are then replaced with tissues taken from the patient’s intestine.
  • Pubovaginal sling: This method is effective in women suffering from urinary incontinence leading to urine leakage during any activity that causes stress on the bladder. In this surgical process, the urologist makes a vaginal incision to access the urinary bladder. Through the vagina, a pubovaginal sling is inserted that creates a sling below the urethra and the bladder to prevent urine leakage.

Peyronie’s Disease

This disease leads to plaque formation in the tissues of the penis, which badly affects sexual performance. Therefore, the urologists suggest surgical removal of these fibrous plaques. It is done through:

  • Grafting- It helps restore the original length of the penis by removing the plaque and using skin grafting by taking tissues from the walls of the abdomen. However, the side effects of this surgery include numbness and erectile dysfunction.
  • Nesbit procedure- Urologists use this procedure for curing the curve in the penis. After making an incision, the skin is removed to expose the underlying tissue, and the extra tissue is removed. It straightens the penis and removes the arc. Although this surgical process does not lead to erectile dysfunction, it might reduce the size of the penis.


Thus it may be said reconstructive urology immensely helps in solving several urinary and sex organ-related issues. However, it is best to consult with the urologist before proceeding with these surgical procedures. You can seek the guidance of the urologists of Gousse Urology. Gousse Urology can help with Reconstructive Urology Services and help you resolve your health issues with ease. Learn more about Angelo E. Gousse, M.D.: A Haitian Academic Urologist, via this Haiti Open Magazine interview.

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