How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen in 9 Steps

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The kitchen is one of the busiest and well-used rooms in the home, which involves food preparation, so it does not take long for it to become dirty. It is also the room we ‘clean’ most often, but this cleaning rarely goes much deeper than the surface. Now and again, it is necessary to get stuck in and clean the kitchen from left to right, top to bottom. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with the prospect of deep cleaning any room in the home, so it is often best to approach it step-by-step, breaking the project down into manageable tasks. This guide takes you through how to deep clean a kitchen in 9 steps. 

  1. Tidy up 

The first step is to clear the room of anything which should not be there and to put whatever is left in its rightful place. Take any items which live on the counter and put them into a cupboard or another room. It will take some time initially, but it will make your job quicker and easier in the end. This is also a good opportunity to get rid of trash, clutter, and old appliances or utensils you do not use.

  1. Get your cleaning products and supplies

You may have some basic cleaning products already, but if not, you need to gather all your supplies and products together. You might need microfiber cleaning and polishing cloths, all-purpose spray (homemade cleaning solutions or store-bought), dish soap, toothbrush, mop, steam cleaner, and vacuum.

  1. Clean light fixtures

It is best to start from the top and work your way down, so the first cleaning job is the light fixtures. You should replace bulbs that are no longer working and carefully wipe the fixtures with a little all-purpose cleaner.

  1. Dust cabinet tops 

Next on the list are your cabinet tops (unless they adjoin to the ceiling). When there is a space between the ceiling and the cabinet, dust and grime will build up over time, and, as we can’t see it on a daily basis, it is often one of the dirtiest places in the kitchen. Clean off the dust, spray with an all-purpose cleaner, and vacuum cobwebs from the edges and corners.

  1. Clear the drains and sink

The kitchen drain and garbage disposal can become clogged with dirt and food. You can tackle this yourself with a plunger, a toothbrush, and some chemicals, or you could jump on the internet and search for “drain cleaning near me” for a professional company. For the best outcome, you might benefit from calling in the professionals. You can then clean around the sink, rims, and the faucets with a toothbrush a cloth.

  1. Clean the windows

If you have blinds, take them down, spray them and wipe off the dirt, and any other curtains should be laundered. The windowpanes should be wiped down with water and vinegar to get rid of grime and streaks before opening the windows and cleaning the tracks of the windows. If you have a steam cleaner, this is a great way to make cleaning the windows quicker and easier. Click here to see the best steam cleaners on the market.

  1. Cupboards, backsplash, and counters

Start at the top and wipe down the cabinets (including the handles or knobs), the backsplash, counters, and switches. If you have time, remove all the food from the cupboards and clear out the crumbs and dust. When clean, you can polish them up and replace the items you removed earlier. 

  1. Clean your appliances

Your dishwasher, washing machine, fridge, oven, and garbage disposal should be cleaned as required, but you should do this according to the manufacturer’s guidance. Again, a steam cleaner may be useful here.

  1. Clean the floor

Finally, it is time to clean the floors, which will probably be even dirtier now that you have disturbed dust and dirt from elsewhere. Move appliances and vacuum the space where you can, vacuum the floor, remove as wash any rugs or mats, and mop or steam clean the floor. When the floor is dry, you are all done and can enjoy a clean and shining kitchen. 

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