How To Groom Your Cat

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A lot of the grooming that happens to your cat is performed by your cat. Cats take care of a lot of their grooming responsibilities. 

Some people say that cats groom themselves for close to half of a day. That makes perfect sense though because whenever I see my cat, they are usually licking their own fur. 

Although cats do spend lots of time grooming, they still need a little help for many various reasons and spending some time grooming your cat can give you some time to bond with your beloved pet. 

A few reasons why you should make grooming your cat a regular in your routine is because it can reduce the amount of hairballs they have to deal with, it can make your cat more comfortable, and it helps your cat obtain, and maintain a healthy coat. 

Long-haired cats tend to need the most help from their human companions as they just have more hair. 

So what does grooming entail?

There are a lot of activities involved in the main idea of grooming. The most obvious that comes to mind is brushing, and combing your cat. 

Brushing a short-haired cat is pretty simple as they just have one layer of fur. For these cats, you just need a simple comb to remove knots and other disturbances in your cat’s fur. 

Long-haired cats, on the other hand, need multiple brushes to complete their grooming routine. Basically, these cats have two coats of fur which means they have a lot of hair. 

Long-haired cats produce a lot more hair and shed more. If you want to reduce the amount your cat sheds, and prevent the amount of hair they swallow while self-grooming, you should get a brush that collects as much hair as possible. 

After using this brush, you brush them with a simple comb to make their coat look clean and knot-free. If you have a cat with lots of fur, and you are finding it hard to groom them with just a simple brush, check out this post to find out about good brushes for your long-haired cat. 

This post goes in detail specifically about the best brushes for Persians, but it applies to all long-haired cats. 

When you are grooming your cat, you can also provide a few health assessments, so you know your cat is in prime health. This does not in any sense replace bringing your cat to the vet’s office annually, but it can catch any health problems in your cat early on.

These checks are basically just looking for things that look off.

Look for lumps, swollen areas, discolored skin, cuts, signs of infections, and more.

For a more complete guide on a cat health check can read this article.

One of the things you can look for in this check-up is to see if your cat is overweight. You can learn more here to see if your cat is overweight. 

Another thing you should be mindful of is how long your cat’s claws are.

Long cat nails can cause your cat a lot of pain if they get caught on something while your cat is moving around. Check out these tips for how to trim cat nails.

Also, cat claws can grow too far, and then curl back around into their own foot. Cats should have their nails clipped once every week or so. Here is an article on cutting your cat’s nails


It is important that you develop a good grooming routine for your kitty as this routine can better their health, and have them feeling pleasant all the time.

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