How to Make a Great Cup of Coffee at Home

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Even for the best cook sits hard to claim they can brew a perfect cup of coffee, but with a few simple tips, it is easy to make a great-tasting cup of coffee at home. Home make coffee is a real saving compared to buying it in a coffee shop. Regardless of the brewing method you choose, always start with freshly ground coffee beans. Coffee beans are roasted to various degrees of darkness. Choose darker beans for stronger flavor, lighter beans for mild tasting coffee, or create your own blend for something in between. You can grind your beans using mortar and pestle, but it may take a lot of time, coffee grinders are inexpensive and well worth the investment. Since coffee beans lose their freshness quickly, it is best to grind them fresh each time you make coffee. A great company to buy from is coffee afterpay.

Choose the right coffee 

The key to choose the right coffee is to try different types and decide for yourself according to your taste. If you are a starter, you need to distinguish between Arabica and Robusta. These are the two most common coffee types that we usually drink. Robusta is one of the oldest coffees. Its trees appeared five to fifteen million years ago, while Arabica appeared just a million years ago. Robusta is more round in shape and smaller in size than Arabica and its beans are a little harder. Arabica doesn’t have a perfect shape its extended, oval, and flattened. Most people prefer Arabica for its aroma and bright taste. Robusta has a strong and bitter taste, which is great to add the extra flavor to your cup of coffee. People love coffee for its caffeine, and there is less caffeine in Arabica. Robusta has almost twice the amount of caffeine than Arabica. For me the perfect cup is a mixture of both Robusta and Arabica, Robusta adds the extra taste and density, and Arabica is very aromatic. It should also be noted that the difference in coffee roasting affects the taste. Therefore, the dark roast has a bitter taste and less caffeine, light roast coffee combines the sour taste and high caffeine content. You can read a full article about light roast coffee and others.

Grind the coffee beans properly

How you grind your coffee has a huge impact on how it tastes. It is best to choose a burr grinder and not a blade grinder or a blender. Blade Grinders just chop up the beans, and sometimes the blades can heat up and ruin the coffee beans. There are two types of bur grinder that you can use, an automatic or electric burr grinder that is pretty easy to use. The other one that I personally prefer is the manual or hand burr grinder. It just feels so good to grind the beans yourself, and it’s perfect for travel. It is also crucial to measure out your beans before you grind. There are three ways you can grind your beans, coarse, medium, and fine grind. Coarse grind size is almost like big pieces of salt, and that is perfect for cold brewing. A medium grind is a commonly used size, and it is ideal for drip brewing coffee. Fine grind is perfect for hot brewing. You can actually experiment with any grind size and brewing method to find out which one you like the most.

Store your Coffee beans with care

Typically, when you buy coffee, you get it in a sealed plastic bag, but once you open it is crucial that you store it properly to make sure you get the best taste rest of the time. You must keep coffee away from moisture, air, heat, and light.  When you open a bag of sealed beans, they are only going to preserve the original taste and quality for up to around ten days. Store your coffee beans in an airtight container. Steel container are better than plastic ones. Push all the air out of the container and lock it up as much as you can.

Frozen coffee beans are magical 

Freezing your coffee beans will keep the taste fresh and smooth, plus freezing will also preserve their original acidity, which contributes towards the taste and aroma. However, storing beans for a very long time may add a little sour taste to the coffee. The subzero frozen and vacuumed sealed coffee remains fresh like just out of the packing. Freezing your coffee before grinding also gives it an evener size and better extraction, which means less bitter and smoother.

Whether you like your coffee black or with milk, cream, or sugar following a simple guideline will make it so easy to brew a nice cup of coffee. Take your time and experiment with different coffee recipes and beans. Making coffee at home will save you a significant amount of money in the long run and gives you the opportunity of exploring different variations. Thank you for taking the time. I hope you enjoyed reading.

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  1. […] Making espresso isn�t rocket science. The only ingredients required for an excellent brew are good quality coffee beans, the right equipment, and a few techniques. There are no rigid rules to follow to brew an espresso, each person has various tricks up their sleeve. […]

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