How To Manifest Money Fast

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Many people are looking for a way to manifest money fast, and what they don’t know is that the law of attraction can help them do just that. The law of attraction is an idea from ancient wisdom that says we create our own realities with our thoughts and feelings. 

If you believe something will happen, it will; if you believe something won’t happen, it won’t. What does this mean? It means that whatever you put your attention on expands in your life! In this article, we will discuss some techniques on how to manifest money fast.

Write down your money goals and read them every day

Many people find it difficult to manifest money fast because they don’t know what their goals are. To start off, write down your money goals and read them every day! This will help you focus on the things that you want in life. It can be as simple as wanting a new car or more complicated like starting an online business. The important thing is to get clear about what you want before continuing with any of these techniques below! 

You should also visualize having all the wealth that you desire and vividly imagine how this good fortune would positively affect not only your finances but also other aspects of your life too which could include better relationships, improved health etc… The feeling from visualizing these benefits needs to be so strong that it feels as if you are already experiencing them in real time.

Be grateful for what you have 

It’s easy to get caught up in a negative mindset thinking you don’t have enough and that the world owes you for all of your hard work. But when this happens, it actually starts attracting more negativity because as law of attraction teaches us- we manifest what we focus on! 

So instead try practicing gratitude every day by focusing on abundance rather than lack or debt. When you are grateful for what you do already have then not only will good things come into your life but also bad experiences won’t be able to stick around either, which is something I think most people can appreciate.

Imagine the life you want to live, and start living it now

The law of attraction is about manifesting what you want in life by focusing on it and not dwelling on the negative. When we dwell too much on lack or debt, then that’s all we’re going to see- which can be depressing. 

It also will lead us back into a vicious cycle where we might need more money for something else because our current resource has been depleted. If you start living the life that you want now, then you will start to manifest what you really want in life. 

Practice self-love by doing something nice for yourself each day

When you practice self-love, you are sending a signal to the Universe that you care about yourself. This is one of the most important things you can do to manifest money fast, because when it comes down to it, your self-esteem and how much value you place on your own needs effects everything in your life. 

When we practice self-love by doing something nice for ourselves each day, whether it’s taking time out from our busy schedules or making an effort towards bettering ourselves-we’re not only heightening our sense of worthiness but also increasing our capacity for receiving abundance now and in the future.

As long as these thoughts remain unchecked, they’ll continue blocking us from feeling deserving enough of miracles like wealth and prosperity…which means that instead of manifesting more money, you might be blocking your ability to get it.

A huge part of practicing self-love is learning how to have a better relationship with yourself – which means that the key to unlocking abundance starts with getting clear on what makes you happy and how much time we’re willing to spend making ourselves feel good.

Smelling money

Smelling money can attract money.

If you want to manifest a certain amount of money fast, find an old or even dirty dollar bill and smell it every night for at least 21 days. After the 21st day, put that same one-dollar bill in your wallet as soon as possible when you get home from work each evening so that the energy can continue until all $21 have been spent. 

Smelling fresh bills of any denomination is actually believed by some people to be an effective way to manifest wealth into their lives because they associate this scent with financial gain and success. Others are less convinced about how much smelling a greenback will do on its own but point out there may be psychological benefits involved. To use this technique effectively, you can use your favorite perfume, cologne or scented lotion to make the money-scent stronger.

Meditate daily to manifest money

Meditation is also a great way to manifest money fast, as it allows your feelings and thoughts about the abundance of wealth in your life to grow stronger.

The key is just taking the time each day, before you go out into the world or dive deeply into tasks on an ever-growing to-do list to set aside some space for yourself. 

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed by anyone, sit down comfortably with both feet flat on the ground (sitting cross legged is also fine), close your eyes and get comfortable before starting this meditation exercise. Once seated, take deep breaths from your abdomen and not shallow puffs that come up through chest only, for three minutes before opening up one hand palm side facing upwards so you can see it clearly in front of you.

Hold this hand up and focus on your palm, noticing the fleshy pads that cover your fingers and how they wrinkle with age; notice any calluses or scars as well as smooth patches where there is not much hair sprouting yet from most people’s hands. 

Then let go of all tension in your body, close your eyes again and breathe deeply until you feel serene before starting to visualize what you want manifesting now.

As soon as thoughts come into consciousness about anything else like work emails or other obligations for example – just gently push them away, bring yourself back to focusing only on the feeling of relief after a long day at work when life feels lighter than usual because one doesn’t have to focus on anything else.

Let yourself feel the lightness of being, and know that even though you can see it manifesting now – there is always a process going on behind the scenes in order for this law of attraction manifestation to take place. 


The law of attraction will help you manifest money fast, but it takes hard work and dedication to make it happen. It is a powerful tool that when used correctly can improve any area in life. As long as you are committed to changing what isn’t working for you, this power law will have your back every step of the way!

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