How to pick an air mattress for your SUV

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Having an air mattress for your SUV can be quite advantageous. It is useful for when you want to reconnect with nature or getaway on a road trip, you have a comfortable bed to lay your head after a long day. Most people typically sleep in sleeping bags and tents when camping or out on the road, but having an air mattress for your SUV can ensure you still have the comforts of home on the road. 

When it comes to finding the best SUV air mattress, there are some variables that have to be considered. This article helps to break them down ensuring that you are better informed when selecting an air mattress for your SUV.

Number of inflatable Air Chambers

It’s essential that you select an air mattress that comes with a high number of inflatable air chambers. Models like this tend to have the highest levels of weight support and luxury. The great thing is that air mattress manufacturers tend to state how many air chambers their models have, so your search can be easier.

Storage and transportation

Considering how air mattresses can be inflated and deflated, they are not really built for indoor usage. That being said, it is important that you always get a model that is seamless to store and transport.

Comfortable top mattresses

There is nothing quite as frustrating as sleeping on a mattress that squeaks every time you move. It is always best to get a model that offers you an extremely comfortable top, which helps you sleep better at night. when searching for an SUV air mattress, always select a model that has been finished with high-quality top material to get the utmost comfort when you sleep. For more best camping beds for bad backs.

Inbuilt pump

Air mattresses that come with inbuilt pumps are ones to go for as they provide quite a lot of convenience. Whilst there might not be an outlet for electricity, these air mattresses typically are able to work with a 12v car pump.

Air Leakage

Buying an air mattress only to discover that it leaks can be anyone’s worst nightmare. This is why you have to ensure any model you select is able to hold air for a long period of time.

Deflation and inflation

The whole design of an air mattress for your SUV is the best sleep quality and convenience. There is nothing quite as frustrating as being tired but having to inflate your air mattress before you can hit the hay. This is why it is important you select a model that inflates easily. Inflating to your firmness preference should not take more than 3 minutes. Deflating the air mattress should actually be much quicker than that.


Size is an essential factor to consider when searching for an air mattress for your SUV. There is no point getting the best air mattress money can buy if it is unable to fit in your SUV.

The materials used to make the air mattress

The kind of materials used to manufacture the air mattress you select is pertinent. Whilst there are numerous combinations of materials out there, the high-quality ones are typically made from PVC, nylon or rubber. These materials stick out because they are structured very well and that means they have sufficient strength for use outdoors.

One of the worst things that could happen while camping is having a puncture. Thankfully the materials listed above are resistant to punctures. They also have waterproof qualities as well as minimal air loss to ensure that you do not wake up to a flatbed.

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