How to Sound Like a Professional Writer: The Checklist

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Despite all the communication today is going through messages, good writing skills are not crucial. Many don’t pay attention to how you write and what you want to say. They don’t look for hidden senses or allusions. They don’t care. 

Yet, others see writing as your thinking process that is put on the paper. They are sure writing impacts the reader significantly and can stay in his head forever. It changes lives and gives inspiration. Certainly, in case, it is good writing. 

We believe in the approach that the second group practices and think writing is a key to being heard, and understood. Thus, becoming a better essay writer isn’t just a goal for us, but a mission that can be completed if you follow certain rules. Let’s find out what they are. 

10 Rules To Follow To Become a Brilliant Writer 

  1. Read

Every brilliant writer is made of a brilliant reader. To understand why a certain novel is so loud yet absorbing, you have to read properly. 

A book is not enough. You have to prepare a pencil and a notebook. Make notes, write down the most bright sentences and comparisons, check the original if it is a translation and find out whether the translator grasped the idea right. Get educated from books, literally. It is easy and free. 

  1. Make It Simple

There is only one thing that is worse than pretending to be smart. It is pretending to be smarter than someone else. 

Do not use difficult words. If it is possible, write with the same words you talk. Writing is communication, and it is purposed to be open and clear. 

  1. Make A Point 

Your writing has to be meaningful. If you’d like to keep the reader’s attention, you have to be specific and have something unique to share. Do not describe general opinions. Use your own voice, instead. 

It is a feature of writing

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