In a Baby Bump Slump? Here Are 7 Secrets to a Pain-Free Pregnancy

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Most mothers look back on their pregnancy and only remember the pure bliss they felt when finally meeting their bundle of joy. However, the journey to motherhood is not without its bumps and turns. Unforeseen health complications or sudden changes in the baby’s development are surprisingly common. 

Mothers themselves experience varying degrees of pain or discomfort throughout their pregnancy. For some, the last three months are the hardest to get through. In comparison, other women report feeling physically and emotionally drained in the first trimester. Despite the challenges that will arise during pregnancy, all expecting mothers can feel empowered to control their experience. Whether it’s a regular exercise routine or taking some much-needed mom time, the path to a relaxed pregnancy is within your reach.

Don’t let pain overshadow all the special moments of pregnancy. Here are seven secrets every mom-to-be should know for a pain-free nine months. 

Turn to pain-fighting supplements 

Sticking to a healthy diet and giving your body plenty of rest help alleviate the aches and pains of pregnancy. However, sometimes clinging to a strict routine is simply not doable during your pregnancy, especially during the final trimester. 

Luckily, expecting mothers can turn to the myriad of supplements on the market that can ward off nausea, acid reflux, and other aggravations. For women experiencing fatigue, iron supplements deliver a boost of energy and keep your baby healthy. Magnesium, in particular, is hugely beneficial for backaches or muscle pain, both of which are common in most pregnancies. For those soon-to-be moms on the lookout for a jack-of-all-trades supplement, The HerBaby supplement from Mixhers fights hot flashes, energy depletion, and nausea in one fell swoop. Whatever your go-to, a well-balanced intake of vitamins and supplements will facilitate healthy development and pain-free pregnancies.

Avoid lower back massages 

While it might be tempting to massage an aching lower back, applying pressure to the area during pregnancy should be strictly avoided. Instead, alleviate pressure by massaging the glutes and hips. Make sure to stretch your hamstrings often, and sleep with a pillow between your legs. 

Apply almond oil

Massaging your body with almond oil helps defend against stretch marks and stimulates blood flow. Apply a generous amount of oil to the belly, breasts, and thighs throughout the day for the best results. When applying to the breasts, massage the oil in an infinity symbol pattern to relieve chest aches or discomfort. 

Spend time in the water 

Swimming is a great way to get some exercise during pregnancy and receive some relief from pregnancy pressure. Floating in the water takes the pressure off your belly and lower back while calming the baby. Look for prenatal swim classes where you’ll meet more expecting mothers.

Get on all fours 

The thought of spending time on your hands and knees might sound a bit silly, but the position has many benefits. When on all fours, the baby’s weight hangs from the belly instead of putting painful pressure on your pelvis. Additionally, the pose prevents your diaphragm from locking up, which can result in extreme discomfort. 

Invest in reflexology 

Carrying around your baby’s weight puts severe strain on the feet, especially if you aren’t wearing the proper footwear. A trained reflexologist will hit all the pressure points that tense up during your pregnancy. The massage is a serious godsend during the last trimester, but make sure the practitioner avoids putting pressure on your ankles. 

Avoid unnecessary stress

Stress and pregnancy are a dangerous combination, especially if you don’t know how to calm your brain and body. Surround yourself with things that bring you peace of mind, and give your body plenty of rest. If you start to feel yourself becoming anxious, practice breathing exercises with your partner. 

Final thoughts

The experience of bringing a new life into the world is exhilarating but not without its challenges. With this guide, you can ensure your maternal journey is enjoyable for both you and your baby. 

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