Industries that Require Online Age Verification

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Nothing is more important for governments around the world than minor protection. Safety of the minors is taken quite seriously and if any industry found endangering the minors can get into a lot of trouble. This is why it falls on the shoulders of the industries to regulate their business with age to ensure that no minor is being exposed to any harm through their platform. Online age verification helps to ensure minors are not gaining access to age-restricted things. Let’s dig deep into the role of online age verification in securing the various industries from harming minors. The Types of Problem for Minors 

The technology has opened so many doors for minors to access online platforms without parental supervision. With the growing generation gap, parents are unaware of what the online world is capable of and how it can harm their children. The predators on the social media sites are the prey for the minors while the fraudsters are always around to take advantage of anyone who can be manipulated into giving them money. This is why a strong age-gate solution is required by online businesses to ensure that minors are not accessing anything on their platform that is unfit for them. Unfortunately, the only age restriction these platforms have a simple tick in the box which is nowhere near enough. 

The regulatory authorities are working towards strict age verification regulations for child data protecion. Europe’s GDPR has a section for child data that ensures that no child data is misused or taken out of the continent. Recently, the famous online video content creating platform, Tiktok, was sued due to the mishandling of the minor’s data. There are regulations in every industry that ensures that the rights of the children are protected and they are not endangered in any way.

Let us take a deep look into how different industries face the issue without age verification.

  • Social Media

Social media allows the end-users to be exposed to anyone around the world.Minors are rapidly making online accounts with no supervision and no age-gate. This can be harmful if they get in touch with someone with bad intentions towards them and who can manipulate into doing anything that will be damaging for the growing personalities of the children. 

  • E-commerce

Online shopping has become really common now especially after the COVID-19 pandemic has confined people into their homes. However, there are so many fake web pages that target people into giving out their credentials. Sometimes, minors use their parents’ credit information to purchase things online. When their parents find out, they revere the transaction through banks and the e-commerce platform is left to face the loss of money as well as the product. 

  • Online Gaming

Online gaming platforms are not that secure for minors either. The gaming platforms today have become much more complex than in the old days. Now the gaming platforms not only contain explicit content, but players can connect with either online and take part in activities like gambling. This is why it is necessary to the gaming platform to ensure smooth regulations. 

  • Alcohol and E-cigarette 

The alcohol industry has always been regulated to check the ID of minors before allowing them access to any intoxicating drink. Now the industry moving online has made it difficult to check the identity of the minors before giving them the drinks. Minors can now buy alcohol online with their parent’s information. This is why it falls on the industry to have a strong age verification solution. 

Digital Age Verification to Save the Industries 

In order to have a proper age check, the industries must integrate an AI-powered age verification solution. These software-based solutions can verify the age of the end-user as well their identity in no time. The legit customers will not be disturbed by the long and annoying verification process while the minor will be detected and stopped from acquiring age-restricted stuff. The end-user just has to submit their identity document picture and the solution will scan and analyze the content and ensure the authenticity of the content. If the age has tampered with the document, the online solution is able to detect it.  

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