Is My Child A Candidate for Invisalign?

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What Is Invisalign

Invisalign is a fairly new procedure for orthodontics that uses an almost invisible material. It is called SmartTrack. The plastic tray fits snugly around the teeth that need to be moved. Over time aligns the teeth to a healthier position. It fits the entire top or bottom arch such as a sports mouth protector would. The trays are custom made to fit each mouth from plaster casts. It takes about six months for results to be accomplished for minor tooth movement. Major alignments may take additional time. Many children have been successful in their treatments.

Does My Child Need to Qualify for Invisalign For Children?

Children’s teeth are developing until they are about 14. Most permanent teeth are present except for wisdom teeth. The permanent teeth should be visible and all the baby teeth should be gone by now. Permanent teeth can sometimes come in in varying stages but we have an eruption cycle that we follow. Teeth, however, can heave their own plan and position. This is where the dental specialty of Orthodontics comes in. The Orthodontist will work on jaws and teeth that have come in crooked, turned, or not fully erupted.

Procedures typically take 2-4 years to achieve complete movement. Treatments can include headgear, metal braces, and chin straps, to name a few. There are many procedures for many different patient issues. For some, Invisalign dental is the best choice. Your child’s dentist will be able to evaluate to see if it is an option for your child. Their website has a form you can fill out as well. 

Not all patients are candidates for metal or clear braces. Certain criteria must be met to qualify. Especially for Invisalign for children. Be sure to check with your dentist for Invisalign in Chatswood and Invisalign in Gordon. Australia is getting on board with the clear braces procedures and patients are seeing great results with their treatments.

Oral Health And Braces

Good oral hygiene has always been promoted by dentists and other dental health professionals. Since the late 1960s, oral hygiene awareness has made a huge impact on the youth of that time. The implementation of fluoride added to the public water system was accepted in some states and rejected in others. These two combined led to better oral health conditions and the need for braces was addressed because the decay was being combated by better brushing and flossing. Back then, braces were considered for appearance and in extreme cases for medical needs. The General Dentist would refer a patient to the Orthodontist and they would be evaluated there. Then the patient would be in the care of the Orthodontist for the tooth movement. General Dentists were still seeing them for cleanings and checkups and discovered that the lack of good oral hygiene was causing rampant decay around the bands and brackets that held the wires used to move the teeth. proper oral hygiene techniques are taught to every patient receiving clear or metal braces. It is imperative with metal braces to keep the areas surrounding the materials clean and also when using a clear type as well.

Will My Insurance Cover My Child’s Clear Braces?

The insurance companies in Australia will be sent a treatment plan after the child has been evaluated and diagnosed by the dentist. All insurance companies are different and have different coverage for different dental procedures. Make sure you bring your insurance information with you when you bring your child in for examination. Historically, metal braces are more covered than clear, however, there is a new demand for the clear type. Insurance companies look at this information and that’s how they decide what to cover. The more a procedure is requested and performed, the more need there is for patients to get it and have successful results, the more the insurance companies will compete to provide coverage.


For children in Australia and other parts of the world, clear braces are an option for some types of tooth movement. Dental health professionals are available to answer any questions you might have about clear braces. As a parent, we know it is important for your child to have optimal oral health conditions. We know that a great smile with no dental issues is important to your child’s success in school and in society. Long-term care is at a minimum when you begin early on. Providing the best care available is a phone call away. Call today to set up a consultation. Most dental offices provide a free consultation for clear braces at your cleaning appointment.

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