Know The Success-Rates of an IVF Procedure

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IVF is a highly effective process to avail the cure for infertility. Now, we know the success of the IVF procedure through its success-rates.

The success-rates of an IVF is defined as the number of successful clinical pregnancies over the number of pregnancies performed. 

Are you planning to undergo an IVF procedure? Plan your treatment under Top IVF Specialist in India. The treatment is definitely favorable on the results. However, the number of cycles is dependent on different factors.

Facts of IVF Success Rate:

Well, when you hear that IVF is highly successful, the figures might be taking into consideration the number of embryo transfer. Not all the IVF cycles that start can proceed to embryo transfer. 

It might fail to develop a right embryo due to the quality of eggs or the quality of sperms. If the fetus is not formed, it is not transformed in the womb. The IVF cycle fails then and there. Over 10% of the IVF cycle that begins cannot proceed for embryo transfer.

The next thing to consider for knowing the success of the IVF cycle is the pregnancies converting into childbirths. It highly depends on:

  • Number of embryos transferred
  • Quality of embryos
  • The capability of the womb to carry the child, and more.

Over 56% of the pregnancies that can reach up to embryo transfer are successful. Well, it is for the age of the patients below 35 years. The birth statistics in such cases is 54%. 2 % of the pregnancies fail even after carrying it to a few months and then facing termination.

Now, if we count on the number of live births for the couples over 35 years undergoing the IVF treatment, the count reduces to 46%. This count is for the patient who plans their treatment below 40 years. Precisely, the age of the female partner matters a lot. In the end, women can not have the quality eggs over the period. The successful deliveries in such cases are 43%.

If the age of the couple is furthermore, that is in between 40 to 45 years, the success rate of pregnancies is 23%. Only 12% of the couples conceiving successfully in this age have the experience to face the live birth. 

Lastly, if you opt for the clinical pregnancy trials after the age of 45 years and above, you will have the least chances of getting success. Not only the success rates of the pregnancy in this age reduce to 10%, but also the cost of treatment is very high.

Final Words:

If you want to get the results, you must try to find the Best Hospital For IVF Treatment. Not only the condition of the patient determines the success of the treatment, but it is also the experience of the doctor that matters.

So, if you want to avail the treatment with precision, check the availabilities of techniques in the hospital, exposure of the doctor, and most importantly, the success rate.

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