Know Your Rights: A Guide on How to Sue a Hairdresser

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A trip to your local salon can be an exciting and life-changing experience. A regular haircut, a relaxing procedure or a beauty treatment can significantly change your outlook and attitude about yourself. It can bring about a renewed sense of confidence and beauty. Your local hair salon is a place to get hair trimming, styling, colouring, and perming. However, a regular trip to the salon can do a complete 180-degree turn if accidents and injuries occur in the process due to carelessness and negligence.

Inattentiveness, lack of technical skills, faulty equipment, and outdated chemicals may result in hair damage that may take time to heal. Worst case scenario is irreversible damage like hair loss! In the heat of the moment, you might ask and plan how to sue a hairdresser. This phrase will most definitely pop in your mind. Of course, you can! Compensation is at play for the undue pain, stress, and damages. Here is a guide on how to go about an injury claim and attain worthy compensation.

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Source – Pexels

Initial steps to take

If you strongly believe that you are deserving of compensation, the initial step to take is to gather data and evidence to build the case. Take on-the-day photos with a date stamp and consult a physician to validate damages and seek treatment or therapy. For damaged hair, consult a licensed dermatologist to have the integrity of the hair checked and your scalp. Continue to take progressive photos of the injury and document the healing process. It is best practice to note the date and time of the pictures. Another solid piece of evidence is witness accounts. Finally, a written statement with complete details of the incident will serve as good evidence.

Get in touch with a lawyer or a professional claim solicitor.

Seek legal counselling and solicitor advice for the assessment of the dispute. They can provide supplementary notes and guidance as you complete your injury journey. This entity will also provide you with the transparency of the validity of your claim. Hairdresser damage claims are complex. A lawyer or a personal injury solicitor can offer expert advice. Fortunately, solicitors work on a contingent fee basis. Therefore, they only collect payment if the claim is a success.

Compensation benefits

The compensation package is just and fair. Compensation claims vary depending on the factors surrounding the injury like circumstance, severity and prognosis. Hair damage has more repercussions than your typical bad hair day. Damage can be short term, but it also has a negative long-term impact. Therefore, compensation for short-term and long-term effects will be covered, including pain and suffering. Physical, mental, and emotional stress due to hair damage is part of the compensation mix too.

Monetary compensation

Financial losses and expenses like medical treatments, transportation, ongoing therapy, and lost wages are all covered. However, if income relies on physical appearance, you are entitled to a higher compensation pay. Monetary hair damage compensation ranges from

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