Lettuce Soup: A Creamy and a Healthy Choice For Your Palette

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Lettuce is a leafy vegetable rich in Vitamin K. It is healthy, and most nutritionists suggest this as a choice of vegetable if you are looking to lead a healthy lifestyle. Just because it is healthy doesn’t mean the dish you cook using lettuce is not delicious. Salota is one such creamy and flavorful bowl of lettuce soup.

The ingredients:

Boston Lettuce – 1 whole head

Buttermilk – eight cups (you can use sour milk as an alternative if necessary).

Bacon – 200 grams

Heavy cream – one cup approx.

Mieko – 200 ml

All-purpose flour or maida – four tablespoons

Salt and pepper – Add a pinch for taste.

You can also add potatoes for taste if you prefer.

The process:

Step 1:

The first step is to wash the lettuce. Take the lush green vegetable and rinse it with salt water. If you cannot find Boston Lettuce, then you can use the below types as an alternative.

  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Green ice lettuce

The two options tend to stay crunchy for a longer time compared to the traditional Boston lettuce. But for this recipe, any of the above types can be used. The taste will be the same at the end.

Step 2:

The second step is to cut the lettuce into fine pieces. Usually, when you use lettuce in your curries, you tend to chop the slices bigger, but we are making a soup here. So the pieces should be proportional to the spoon we use to eat them. So, make sure the slices are fine and crisp.

Once you cut the lettuce, you should make sure that there is no excess water in the vegetable. So, take these pieces and put them in a bowl. Add salt to it and let it stay for a while. The excess salt will suck out the water from the vegetable. By the time all the excess water drains out, you can carry on with the remaining process.

Step 3:

Now, for the soup to be creamy and a bit sour at the end, we will need to boil the buttermilk. So take the eight cups (i.e., roughly two liters) of the buttermilk and heat it on the stove. Boil it till the buttermilk starts to bubble. You shouldn’t overheat it, so as soon as the bubbles begin to form, remove the pan from heat and place it down to cool. Remember, the central part of the soup is the creaminess of the buttermilk. Therefore, make sure to be attentive when you follow the steps. 

Step 4:

Now while the sour milk cools, strip your bacon into small pieces and start frying them in the pan. You want to get them crispy, but you shouldn’t burn them as it might leave a bitter taste at the end. The bacon should be juicy at the center and crispy at its surface.

By the time you do this, the buttermilk would have settled down. You should strain it to make sure there are no lumps, and then you can use the clean buttermilk for the recipe at hand.

Step 5:

Now take the cup of milk and whipped cream and mix it thoroughly with the all-purpose flour. Now put this mixture on the stove and start boiling it. Mix it in the middle so that it doesn’t form any lumps.

Step 6:

Once the creamy soup is

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