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It’s not surprising that the land of enchantment is dubbed New Mexico. Any tourist will enjoy New Mexico whether visiting ancient ruins, shopping for silver and turquoise jewelry, or simply enjoying shifting colors in the sky during the sunset. New Mexico encapsulates many of the natural characteristics that draw tourists to the Southwest of America with its diverse habitats ranging from red and snowcapped mountains. However, there is no other state with such a rare range of colors of infused light that is why so many artists call New Mexico home.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park – Often underground is hidden in Carlsbad Caverns national park. The alien underground countryside is carved from calestone found in an ancient sea, one of the most popular tourist attractions in New Mexico. The Park Service provides autonomous audio tours and tours run by guards. Visitors can plan their travel to New Mexico by using New Mexico travel guides, visits to some caves and walks through the strange geological formations. In addition, guests can find a wide variety of walking and backpacking experiences.

White Sands National Monument

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