Proven Survival Tips For A Church Leader�s Wife

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Church leader

The role of a church leader’s partner is daunting. Beyond being a wife and mom, you have to be a supportive pillar for your husband. You may also have to fill the gaps more often than you imagine. For example, you need to double up for your husband when he misses family events, special occasions, and the school meets. You can imagine the workload and stress the role entails as you try to fulfill it over the years. But a little extra effort enables you to give your best. Let us share some proven survival tips for a church leader’s wife.

Be yourself

As a pastor’s wife, you may find yourself being overshadowed by your husband at all times. Of course, he is an important person, but so are you. Being yourself is the key, as you should not lose your identity, no matter who you are married to. Recognize your unique abilities and passions, and follow them instead of replicating your partner’s vision and values. The same applies to your kids, so encourage them to embrace their uniqueness.

Accept your parental workload

Your husband will probably not be a regular parent, which means you have to bear double the workload most times. Imagine attending school meets and events, taking kids for outings, and running the house alone for years. You may struggle and get close to the edge more than once. But accepting the situation enables you to handle it better. Be open to bearing the extra workload, and let kids take over some parts as they grow up.

Motivate your partner

Surprisingly, pastors need the motivation to give their best, just like any other professional working in a regular job. You can do your bit by motivating them at every step along the way. Encourage them to upgrade their pastoral skills by joining journey groups, educational workshops, and training programs. Be available to lend an ear when they need to talk or get a fresh perspective on problems they face in the church. Just being there makes you an ideal partner!

Master money management skills

Church leaders always run short of time, so you cannot expect your husband to participate in family budgeting and money planning as others do. The best thing you can do is to master money management skills. It enables you to reduce your partner’s burden and ensure a secure financial future for your kids. Of course, you can discuss concerns and work out solutions together, but handling the daily stuff alone helps.

Invest in self-care

Your life as a church leader’s wife is bound to be stressful because you bear more burdens than other women. Think beyond the basics and consider going the extra mile with self-care because you deserve it, even more, if you are a working mom. Take breaks and let your partner do the heavy lifting at home and with childcare on their off days. Step out and ensure your kids get quality time with their dad. Do not overlook your needs as a wife, so get enough time as a couple when possible.

Life can be a breeze for a church leader’s wife, provided she embraces her role and contributes to it. Follow these tips to give your best as a wife and mom, and nurture your family.

Author Bio: Maria Rose has been working as a senior content strategist for OutreachMonks. Rose holds professional expertise in curating health, travel, and lifestyle articles. She loves clubbing factual information with her unique voice to give her readers a new and smart perspective.

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