Skin Issues That Can Affect Moms

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There are many common skin problems that can plague a mom, including sun damage, infections, and chronic skin conditions. Some are just minor issues, but others can be signs of more serious issues that need a doctor’s opinion. As mothers, it’s important to know the difference and take care of any issues that arise.

Skin Issues That Can Affect Moms | Optimistic Mommy

Here are a few skin issues you should be aware of, and whether or not they are serious.

Benign or Minor Skin Issues

Skin tags are a common issue believed to be caused by chafing. They are usually found on the neck, armpit, or groin areas. They are benign skin growths that should cause no alarm. They can become irritated, but otherwise the only concern is cosmetic. If you are looking to have skin tags removed for cosmetic purposes, there are plenty of skin tag removal products on the market for you to choose from.

Aging is not the cause of age or liver spots. They are the result of sunlight exposure, which is why they typically develop on hands, arms, shoulders, and face. They are flat tan, brown, or black, in color. They only need to be treated for cosmetic reasons. Bleach creams, acid peels, and light-based treatments can be used to fade these spots. However, if the spot is raised or irregular looking, consult your doctor or dermatologist to rule out melanoma, which may be deadly if left untreated.

Warts most commonly appear on hands and fingers. They are the result of human papillomavirus. They are transmitted by touching something a person with warts had touched. To contain an outbreak cover the warts with bandages. Keep them as dry as possible and do not pick at them. Topical medications can be used to treat the wart, or a doctor could freeze or burn them off for you. The biggest concern is cosmetic in nature.

The herpes simplex virus causes cold sores. Small blisters can appear on the mouth or nose. These blisters are fluid-filled and painful and last approximately ten days. Stress, too much sun, fever, and hormonal changes, such as periods, can trigger cold sores. The treatments include antiviral pills or creams. If your eyes become irritated, the blisters contain pus, or the redness spreads, then contact your doctor.

More Serious Issues

The varicella-zoster virus that causes chickenpox also causes Shingles. The virus never leaves your system after you have contracted it. Shingles will manifest as a painful rash that will appear on the trunk of your body, buttocks, or face, and last a couple of weeks. It will either be on the left side or right side of your body in a narrow band. While there’s no cure for shingles, it is important to contact a doctor right away, as they can prescribe antiviral drugs to reduce any further complications and help speed up the healing process.

Psoriasis manifests with red patches of skin overlaid with scales of white or silver. It is caused by the immune system triggering skin cells to grow too quickly. Doctors do not know what causes the immune system to do this. These patches will show up on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. They will heal and return throughout one’s life. Creams, ointments, light therapy, and medications can be prescribed to treat the scaly patches.

Skin issues are a part of the aging process. Some skin concerns are cosmetic, and you can treat or minimize their effects. If serious conditions or symptoms occur, contact your doctor or medical professional as soon as possible, so you can get back to being the Super-Mom that you are!

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