Support Persons During Birth: 3 Updates For Expecting Mothers

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Going into labor can be an overwhelming experience, especially for first-time mothers. Because of this, it’s important for pregnant women to have someone beside them during childbirth, a support person to help them through the experience. The role of a support person is crucial, as they are needed at a time when the expecting mother needs the physical presence and moral encouragement of someone she trusts.

Throughout pregnancy, women may go through significant stress and challenges to their physical well-being and mental health. It reaches its peak during labor. If you are an expecting mother or if you’re going to be a support person for one, you should ensure that you’re well-informed and ready for what will happen. You can read books on the topic or look for resources online to find more info. It would also help to learn from people who have been through the experience; talk to people you may know, or ask people in a relevant online community about their experiences.

In the meantime, here are a few updates that expecting mothers should be aware of.

WHO Recommends Chosen Companions 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that pregnant women should be allowed to choose their companion during labor and childbirth. In a recent report, entitled

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