5 Steps!

So one of the most exciting things ever happened to night (or at least most exciting to me and my husband, at least)... Our daughter took her first 5 steps all by herself! Ahh, it was so exciting! I'm so proud of my little girl! What happened was she was standing at the couch and my husband was sitting on the floor a couple feet away. He held her cup out to her to see if she wanted something to drink, and she let go of the couch and took 5 steps to him! I started crying. Lol. Children … [Read more...]

I Hate Not Being Able To Sleep

Howdy, everyone. I hope everyone had a good Hump Day. I'm happy because my husband is off work tomorrow. :) Today was an okay day. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night because my husband was cold so he had the heat on, but I was burning up so I was unable to sleep. I was able to take a couple naps with my daughter, though, so it all worked out. Yesterday we received our new camera in the mail. (I love 1saleaday.com; they had a Kodak Easy Share camera - Originally $200 for $40!) … [Read more...]

Hello There!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week. I know I did! My husband and I had a great mini vacation away. Now it's back to reality. Lol. I missed my little girl, though. I can't believe that in less than a month she'll be a year old! It seems like just yesterday I gave birth to her. Above is a picture of her from Wednesday. We were eating at Frisch's and she was enjoying her mac and cheese. :) My weekend is being filled with working on my recipe site, Peace Love Recipes, as much as I can. I … [Read more...]