5 Ways to Prepare Your Home For an Elderly Relative

When relatives like parents or grandparents begin getting older, you will likely need to provide a higher level of care for them. While some families opt for senior assistance programs, many families decide to take in their aging relatives.  However, before they move into your home, you'll want to ensure your house is senior-friendly. From limiting tripping hazards to offering mobility conveniences, there are several ways to keep your relatives safe. That's why we've compiled this list … [Read more...]

Caring for Elderly Parents

When your parents get older, a great deal of responsibility may land on your shoulders to take extra care of them � especially if they are suffering from health conditions. From birth, our parents have been there for us and reared us to become the people we are today, so it's only natural for you to wish to give back in return. If you have never cared for anyone before, you may be apprehensive about what to expect, however, this guide will come in useful by providing aspects to think about as t … [Read more...]

Taking Care of the Elderly When You Are Away

You may not be around to help your parents, grandparents, or a loved one all the time. While you are living far away from them, you are always worried and stressed about their health and well-being. It is certainly not easy taking care of people who require special assistance living comfortably, which is truer for the elderly who have more specialized needs to take care of. Be it for sound physical and mental health or to develop a sense of belonging through community participation, seniors … [Read more...]

What is Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss is where you gradually lose your hearing power as you grow older. The disorder is related to older adults who are mostly over 60 years old. However, you may not notice the condition at first since the hearing loss occurs gradually, and the more you grow older, it becomes worse for you to hear phrases clearly. What causes age-related hearing loss As you age, several changes occur in your inner ear. Your nerve system becomes weak, where it cannot transmit the … [Read more...]

What Should I Do if I Suspect Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is a common occurrence in the modern world. It involves physical abuse, sexual and emotional exploitation, financial exploitation, or neglect by welfare or people living with older people. In America, half a million reports are filed every year for elders exploited by individuals who are supposed to take care of them. Over a million of these cases go unreported. What are these kinds of abuses, and what precautions should you take if you suspect they are happening?  Types … [Read more...]

Travel Tips – What You Need To Know When Traveling with the Elderly

As restrictions ease around the world, travel is opening back up again, with people taking trips for work, or taking unavoidable trips to visit their loved ones. Travel during these uncertain times can be particularly hard on all of us, especially senior citizens. Make sure to check out VIP Air Ambulance for emergencies. The uncertainty, shifting plans, and looking for proper accommodation can, unfortunately, take a toll on seniors and caregivers alike. Traveling is especially scary for … [Read more...]

Steps to Take When Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home residents deserve to live their older years with dignity. However, some of them become victims of either neglect or horrific abuse. What's even more unfortunate is that these cases are often not reported due to embarrassment, fear, or the resident is not able to communicate.  While there are so many unreported nursing home abuse cases, the number of reported cases is shocking. According to a two-year-long study done by the House Government Reform Committee, abuse cases were … [Read more...]

Smooth Talking: The Benefits of Speech Therapy For Adults

Speaking doesn't just involve the larynx�it also requires the use of nearly 100 muscles. Without them, you wouldn't be able to articulate yourself. Certain conditions can also affect our speech. Take Huntington's disease, for instance, it can cause difficulty speaking, among several other symptoms. Other examples include autism, dementia, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The good news, though, is that some people can improve with speech therapy. Considering it for yourself or … [Read more...]