How Writing Can Help You Share Feelings With Your Spouse

Sharing feelings, even with the people closest to you, is not always easy. It takes a lot of courage to open up, especially if you aren't used to being vulnerable. There are many ways you can start being more sincere with your significant other � for example, the written practice. Writing for sharing your emotions can help you get through to your spouse and stabilize your relationship. Here's how writing can help you share feelings with your spouse. Why Is It Worth Sharing Your Feeling … [Read more...]

3 Different Ways to Finance a Much-Needed Family Getaway

Has your family been antsy lately? As 2021 is in full swing, there are many families who have been cooped up in their homes for most of 2020, making a getaway much needed this year. Oftentimes, if you don't make family trips a priority, you and your family member's lives can lead to burnout, increased stress, and even depression. Escaping the humdrum of everyday life can help relieve stress, increase family bonding and positivity, as well as give your children an experience they wouldn't … [Read more...]

8 Exceptional Tips For Capturing A Perfect Photo With Family

No doubt, time spent with family members is the most memorable. You share the childhood stories. Your kid says something funny that reminds you of your childhood. Also, you have a strong connection that gives you a sense of belonging and peace of mind. The family moments do not happen regularly.  For this reason, you need to record and keep a photo for rekindling your memory. A good photographer can capture the fun moment that will reignite your experience whenever you see those photos. … [Read more...]

How to Come Up With Great Gift Ideas for Pre-Teens

Buying gifts for babies, toddlers and younger children is pretty easy for the most part. There are standard basics that you know will be a huge hit and whether it's clothes or toys, you know that child is going to love and enjoy it. Because they don't have specific tastes yet, it's highly likely that whatever gift you give will be something they will get some use out of.   As children get older, and reach the pre-teen and tween age, they start to become their own individuals who … [Read more...]

Elevations RTC Offers Emotional, Physical Support For All Students

Elevations RTC offers troubled teenagers an education on a college-like campus just outside Salt Lake City. That sounds impressive enough to many people, but the little things are what make it one of the best residential treatment centers in the country. Specifically, the attention to detail in helping students overcome whatever issues they might face improves the success rate and keeps family members satisfied. The staff helps in a variety of ways, but emotional and physical support become … [Read more...]

4 Ways Families Can Help Aging Relatives

As humans get older, many of them have to deal with diminished capacity. You probably can't get around as easily as you used to. Maybe your hearing or vision is not as good as it once was. If you can continue to live on your own or with a spouse or partner, and you're fine taking care of yourself, that's great. However, most people need a little help after a certain point. If you have relatives, you might need to have conversations with them about what they might do to help you in your daily … [Read more...]

Smart Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy This Year

With the start of a new year, you have a clean slate for getting right with your health. Tackling any resolution is easier with a partner � or five � so why not involve the whole family?  When you and your tribe share a mission, you can keep each other accountable and provide gentle encouragement. Here are eight smart ways to keep your family healthy this year � share your list with the gang.  1. Get Your Shots Are your children up-to-date with their immunizations? Ch … [Read more...]

5 Healthy Family Habits For 2021

Well, 2021 is finally upon us, and it is probably the right time actually to say congratulations for making it! 2020 was a tough year for practically everyone, and many of you will be wondering how to make 2021 a better year, even within all of the restrictions that we will likely be living with for the next 12 months. Healthy Habits Breed Healthy Habits One of the best things about a new year beginning is that you can take a look at your life and make some healthy … [Read more...]