How to Encourage Your Teen Son to Get Healthy

There's a lot of conversations we relish having with our sons, especially when they reach the teen years and start to become �adult-ish.� Whether it's reliving favorite tales of your own adolescence, finding out about new events in their life or just general amusement over their developing sense of humor, there's a lot to like. What most probably like less are those awkward and sometimes confrontational conversations. Encouraging a headstrong or shy (or anywhere in between) teen son that … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home For an Elderly Relative

When relatives like parents or grandparents begin getting older, you will likely need to provide a higher level of care for them. While some families opt for senior assistance programs, many families decide to take in their aging relatives.  However, before they move into your home, you'll want to ensure your house is senior-friendly. From limiting tripping hazards to offering mobility conveniences, there are several ways to keep your relatives safe. That's why we've compiled this list … [Read more...]

How To Grow Closer As A Family

Families. Love them or hate them, there's no disputing the fact that as we get older, families can easily drift apart. It's easy to feel closer as a family when you're living together and relying on one another, but as the years go by, that sense of reliance can fade away. That's a loss for everyone, and it's more important than ever that we take the time to keep our loved ones as close as possible. Whether you still live with your family but you barely communicate, or you've moved away and now … [Read more...]

Caring for Elderly Parents

When your parents get older, a great deal of responsibility may land on your shoulders to take extra care of them � especially if they are suffering from health conditions. From birth, our parents have been there for us and reared us to become the people we are today, so it's only natural for you to wish to give back in return. If you have never cared for anyone before, you may be apprehensive about what to expect, however, this guide will come in useful by providing aspects to think about as t … [Read more...]

How You Can Decide Whether to Have a Cremation or Burial for a Loved One: Your Essential Guide

If your loved one has passed on and you are in charge of making decisions regarding their funeral, it is always a good thing to get all the support and guidance you need. This will surely be a difficult time for everyone, but with the proper support, your burden can be easier to carry. One thing you may have to decide on, however, is whether or not your loved one will have a cremation or burial if they have not made their wishes known. But what are the aspects involved in each, and how can you … [Read more...]

How To Involve Your Children in the Puppy Training Process

Raising and training puppies comes with a truckload of responsibilities�many of which overlap with child-rearing. Although children bring with them life-long, complicated baggage, fur-babies are no walk in the park either�although they could benefit from a stroll or two. Twist, turns, and tantrums are sure to ensue as you and your children acclimate to your new furry family member.  Potty training catastrophes, unexpected vet visits, and ruthless teething urges are common when raisi … [Read more...]

Do Stay-at-Home Parents Really Need Life Insurance?

Life insurance exists mainly to deliver much-needed financial resources to family members when a primary provider passes away. Though this concept may bring to mind the concept of a "breadwinner," it is important to note that stay-at-home parents who do not receive a paycheck also provide essential services to the family, and as such, the contributions they make should be factored into a discussion about the need for life insurance. Statistics suggest that more than 10 million mothers and 2 … [Read more...]

Five Parenting Trends to Watch for in 2021

With one of the wildest and most unpredictable years in history firmly in our rearview mirror, it's tempting to kick back and welcome 2021 with open arms. However, as the new year promises to continue some of the most concerning health and social developments of 2020�and bring about some much-needed changes as well�it's more important than ever to stay aware of what it all means for us as parents. Parenting may look a bit different in the year to come, and attention to the trends can inform … [Read more...]