5 Notable Reasons To Clean Your Aquarium Now

Having an aquarium has many advantages. For starters, it has a therapeutic effect on most people. Furthermore, you can save biodiversity whenever you keep endangered fish species under your care. To ensure that your fish are healthy and happy, you have to replicate the natural environment as much as possible. You have to ensure that the fish enjoys the perks of the wild while also reducing the risks associated with the dangerous life in the wild. Ensuring that the fish aquarium has … [Read more...]

Most Popular Species of Aquarium Fish

If you are a parent, you need to brace yourself for the day your kids will come begging for a pet.  No matter how hard you fight, chances are, they will prevail. However, when that day comes, you know quite well how they are not going to stick to their end of the deal where they vowed to take care of their beloved pet.  As a result, that responsibility will fall squarely on your shoulders, adding yet another chore to your already crammed to-do list. But this does not have to be the … [Read more...]

Six Health Benefits Of Fish Aquariums That You Probably Didn�t Know About

Adding a fish aquarium to your home is not just a welcome addition to the interior look of your home, but according to Feng Shui, it could be a symbol of luck and wealth. Fish tanks, like an acrylic fish tank, have been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits as well. Delightfully colored fish and the classy way of how they move is substantially eye-pleasing and in turn provides a multitude of positive health advantages. Stress Reduction Just imagining an aquarium can … [Read more...]

Your Beginner Guide For How To Take Care Of Betta Fish

Betta fish are one of the most popular pet fish. They make great pets, but they do require proper love and care to keep them happy and healthy. If you know how to take care of a fish, it may benefit your overall health and wellness. Knowing exactly what goes into caring for a Betta fish is not common knowledge; there are even many myths and misunderstandings shrouding this popular pet fish type. Believing in these misconceptions can become the reason why your fish will become unhealthy or, in … [Read more...]

Why Your Betta Deserves More Than A Little Bowl

Betta fish are one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish and for good reason. They are hardy, beautiful and come in a wide variety of colors and fin types. I for one have to practice self-control at the pet store lest I end up with more bettas than I need! Also known as Siamese fighting fish, male bettas are aggressive and will likely attack other males if given the chance. This is why we see them most often kept alone. Due to their solitary nature and hardiness, they are often kept … [Read more...]

What Are Ahi Tuna Steaks?

Ahi-tuna-steaks are full of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and minerals which makes this dish prominent to eat as best food. Ahi-tuna is a fantastic recipe which is Crispy and seared on the outside. Ahi tuna sauce, Ahi tuna marinade, Ahi tuna sauce, baked Ahi tuna, Ahi tuna steak, Ahi tuna sesame, Spice-Rubbed Seared Ahi Tuna, Seared Ahi Tuna, Pan Seared Blackened Ahi Tuna, Ahi Tuna raw and most of the other dishes have unique tastes with delicious flavors. Tuna is considers still secure and safe … [Read more...]

How to Choose the Perfect Fish for Your Aquarium

It's no secret that many people consider fish to be great pets. After all, they are lovely, colorful little creatures with a penchant for putting on a show. But they aren't as low maintenance as one might be tempted to believe. In fact, putting together an aquarium is a challenging endeavor that has quite a few rules that need to be followed.  If you want to add colorful fishes to your Aquarium then you can also check out CichlidTips. Image Source: Unsplash According to Reef … [Read more...]