How to Use Medical Marijuana Safely and Responsibly

Many people go for medical marijuana as an alternative treatment because it's natural and safe. It can provide you with quick relief and have few to no side-effects.  However, it's still a powerful drug that can cause issues if used irresponsibly. Medical marijuana is legal in most states, including West Virginia - so the best way to have access to your natural medicine is to get a medical cannabis card. Let's explore ways to maximize the benefits you're getting from your green friend … [Read more...]

Medical Marijuana in California: 9 Frequently Asked Questions

Before we started relying on modern medicine for every ache and scrape, marijuana and other gifts of nature were the only healing substances used to treat, cure and prevent health disorders. In fact, marijuana has been used for centuries to heal a wide array of health problems. Over recent decades, marijuana, or cannabis, has reemerged as an alternative therapy for lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and insomnia and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and migraine. With … [Read more...]